
South America

Adelina Gurrea’s book: Cuentos de Juana

Fil-Hispanic Literature     Hola Karinita, I finished an article in Spanish for Revista Filipina—a digital journal on Hispanic Filipino literature, culture with an academic bent.  It’s on Adelina Gurrea’s book of short stories that are marvelous, Cuentos de Juana. …

Interview with Danilo Urbina, from the Transdisciplinary School of Sexuality

As part of the series “Gender and Sexualities in Chile”, we interviewed Danilo Urbina, a psychologist specialising in support and counselling for young people on issues of gender and sexual orientation and a founding member of the Transdisciplinary School of…

Interview with COPEHU Peru: Education needs to respond to the sensitivities of the new generations

In the Peru of the bicentenary, new challenges are opening up and, in this sense, it is a new historical moment where rethinking education is a necessity for those of us who aspire to overcome violence. We know that the…

Fear is still present in the classroom

In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly designated 12 August as International Youth Day. It seeks to promote the role of young people as essential partners in processes of change and to create a space to raise awareness of the…

The vicissitudes of the Chilean Constitutional Convention

“And it was necessary to suffer from that peculiar disease which since 1848 has been ravaging the whole continent, parliamentary cretinism, a disease which imprisons those infected as if by enchantment in an imaginary world, depriving them of all sense,…

Professor Castillo: from the charm of symbols to the harsh reality of politics

Professor Pedro Castillo’s biggest challenge is “not to disappoint those who gave him victory”, writes anthropologist Rodrigo Montoya Rojas. “On its way, the government will discover how many of its promises are possible or not, and it will have to…

The Fall

POETIC PROSE The world is in turmoil and that is clear to see. The world is in turmoil, because man is in turmoil. Two sides are at war. I see it, I sense it, I feel it. This register terrifies…

To A Lover

POEM     The sun will rise and set this day The sap will flow unseen to clothe the coffee bark of stark and wintry trees anew a primorous virgin green And I shall flow with morning, afternoon and twilight…

Women of different generations, together to change the world

The new generations are going to teach the old generations how to love, how to treat each other. It will be the new generations that will begin to teach the adults with a new affection and a new understanding. Silo…

Journalism and ethical commitment against misinformation

The document highlights as dangerous the manipulation of public opinion, with the aim of obtaining certain political objectives or inducing social behaviour with lies in the information (fakenews). By Miguel Julio Rodríguez Villafañe On July 29th of this year 2021,…

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