
South America

Approval of the law of general pardon demanded by humanist feminists

In the framework of the 3rd National Meeting of Women in Politics of the Humanist Party, around 60 women militants and from social and territorial organisations gathered in the Park of Study and Reflection El Remanso, located in Sagrada Familia,…

Expropriation of ancestral territories of the Sápara nationality for oil exploitation in Pastaza (Ecuador)

The Sápara nationality, together with other organisations, requested an action for protection from the Ecuadorian state to return 70% of the expropriated territory. On 31 August 2021, the Sápara nationality located in the province of Pastaza filed an action for…

No reintegration without education

Prison institutions are designed not only to serve a custodial sentence, but also for the social reintegration of the individual through different mechanisms, one of which is education. By Mariela Alejandra Martínez In reality this is a universal right, beyond…

Urgent Call for a Global Pact to protect 80% of the Amazon by 2025

We, the indigenous peoples of the Amazon Basin, through our ancestral knowledge and wisdom, have been protecting the Amazon for millennia. We have been joined in this struggle by environmental and human rights organisations and the scientific community have joined…

Denouncing technological servility

Aldous Huxley proposed half a century ago: “The essence of psychological coercion is that those who act under its effect have the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mental manipulation does not know that…

The profitable dividends of politics

The upcoming elections in Chilean politics will determine who will reach La Moneda, who will be the new senators and deputies of the Republic, as well as the hundreds of regional councillors whose election was pending after the recent elections…

Chile: candidates for the Apruebo Dignidad list

The pact formed by the parties Frente Amplio, the Communist Party, Acción Humanista and the Federación Regionalista Verde, grouped behind the presidential candidacy of Gabriel Boric and with a single list of candidates for Parliament – Apruebo Dignidad – today…

Chile: Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty passed into law

The Chilean Senate passed into law the Draft International Agreement approving the “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”, which was adopted in New York in July 2017. The treaty notes the “concern about the catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences…

Chile: Feminist documentary “Women in Resistance in times of COVID 19” premieres

Anita Peña Saavedra, researcher at the Diego Portales University and Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic equity at LSE, lesbo-feminist activist and former executive director of Miles, Alondra Castillo, feminist and academic at the University of Valparaiso, Magdalena Rodríguez, feminist…

Chilean constituent denialism expression of cruelty and hatred

The ethics commission of the Constitutional Convention was right to stipulate denialism as an expression of cruelty and hatred towards the victims of crimes against humanity and their relatives. As in several European countries that suffered from policies of extermination…

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