
South America

What is Economics?

1. Another formulation of the same question would be What does the voice “economics” do? 2. Or what are we doing with that voice? 3. I start from the assumption that every time we open our mouths to articulate words,…

The shaky constituent effort

It is a matter of observing the world, as well as our own country, to conclude that democracies are rarely achieved and offer capable and beneficial rulers. Since ancient times, the regimes that were considered as such were not even…

The foreign policy we need

Foreign policy is an essential component of any national development strategy. If it changes, external political and trade relations will have to change. Thirty years of a neoliberal strategy have led to an unmediated trade opening to the world economy,…

Ecuador: Mobilisations against labour and economic reforms

On 15 September, trade union, student, women’s and trade union organisations, among others, mobilised in various provinces of the country in response to the government’s announcements of labour reforms and economic policies. On the coast, the protests were centred in…


POEM     …without knowing why by the sound of the gondolas knocking against their mooring poles in Piazza San Marco the old houses with names in cold misty London lit balconies in the evenings in the stately neighborhoods of…

“The repression will continue because our people are returning to their territory”.

Portrait of Nicolás Hernández Huala in Bariloche. (Image by Gustavo Figueroa) The “La Trochita” case: while the murders of Rafael Nahuel and Santiago Maldonado go unpunished, six defendants are on trial for exercising their right to recover usurped territory. The…

…And when Alberto woke up, the debt, the hunger and the poverty were still there

In Sunday’s legislative primary elections, Peronism obtained 31% of the vote, one of the worst results in its history, with no detachments to explain such a large loss of votes, anchored in poor management, the consequences of the pandemic and…

The winners are those who best accept and assume their failures.

Uncontrolled competition, individualism and exitism are corroding people, society and its institutions because in order to be successful, many are transgressing values such as honesty and respect for the rights of others. They are unwilling to fail and will do…

Indigenous People of Brazil Fight for Their Future

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has given new license to the killing of Indigenous people in Brazil. Before he came to power in 2019, it wasn’t clear what he wanted to build, but he knew exactly who and what he wanted…

Climate crisis and the risk of defending the commons

Global Witness report shows dramatic increase in killings of land and environmental defenders The recently released Global Witness report “Last Line of Defence” raises a warning cry: the irresponsible exploitation and greed driving the climate crisis is also driving violence…

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