
South America

“On the other side”, cinema for reconciliation

14 Oct, CI.- Del otro lado, director Iván Guarnizo’s debut film, is a personal quest to understand a chapter of the armed conflict that touched him and his family directly, when they heard the news of his mother’s kidnapping in…

Chile Is at the Dawn of a New Political Era

“It feels like we are at the end of an era,” Bárbara Sepúlveda tells me on October 12, 2021. Sepúlveda is a member of Chile’s Constitutional Convention and of the Communist Party of Chile. The era to which Sepúlveda refers…

Penelope Moro “Bolivia must put an end to impunity because we cannot allow this to happen again”.

With the support of more than 100 human rights organisations, the family of Sebastián Moro launched an international campaign a few days ago to demand justice for the Argentinean journalist murdered in Bolivia during the coup d’état against Evo Morales…

The origin of culture

In the beginning of human communities, a vision of the future prevailed. In our narrow perspective of things, when we speak of culture, we tend to frame it in specific objects and manifestations, most of them linked to art and…

Argentina: IMF and injustices with retirees and pensioners

In 2012, the IMF published the “Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR)”, and in chapter 4, it warned about the financial impact of longevity risk. The IMF stated in the document: “The financial implications of people living longer than expected (so-called…

October 18: The explosion against plundering, elitist and discriminatory Chile

According to the former leather and footwear trade union leader, Juan Jara (leadership period: 1965-1973), the capitalist economic model was implemented in Chile for the benefit of the big businessmen to the detriment and with the clear purpose of subjugating…

Malucha Pinto: Second anniversary of the popular revolt

We lost eyes, we were persecuted, assassinated, tortured… raped. There are still young people imprisoned in dark jails without charges and we continue to demand their freedom. Once again, as so many times before. The underground waters of Chile shudder…

Protect them, don’t kill them!

A 13-year-old boy and three 17-year-olds arrived at Medicina Legal not in uniform, but in plastic bags. Their board was the minefields; their mentors, the ELN guerrillas; and their executioner, that monstrosity that results when child recruitment and state stupidity…

The conquest of America: the situation of the indigenous today

The creation of nation states in America went hand in hand with the creation of “normal schools” whose educational objective was to homogenise the population on the basis of a single culture, European culture. From there, the prevailing narrative was…

Demands for freedom for political prisoners continue in Jujuy, Argentina

Milagro Sala was arrested on 16 January 2016 on the orders of Governor Gerardo Morales. On that day, a web of legal cases was unleashed to sustain her illegal imprisonment, for an indefinite period of time. The persecution was extended…

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