
South America

“This is a very paradoxical stage”, interview with Tomás Hirsch

We spoke with Tomás Hirsch, Member of Parliament for Acción Humanista, who is about to go to the polls again, seeking re-election on November 21st for the District where he has worked for the last four years: Peñalolén, La Reina,…

50 years ago Brazil planned to invade Uruguay in 30 hours, if the Frente Amplio won

A series of declassified US documents added details to the so-called “Operation 30 Hours”, the plan hatched by the Brazilian dictatorship in 1971, half a century ago, to invade Uruguay if the leftist Frente Amplio coalition won the elections that…

Chile: Launching of Gabriel Boric’s government programme

In the gardens of the Centro Cultural de Ñuñoa, Gabriel Boric’s long-awaited government programme was presented this morning. In the presence of many collaborators and supporters, as well as numerous press media, the presidential candidate was presented by the Mayoress…

Ecuador’s Neoliberal Government Announces State Emergency to Impose Austerity

On October 18, 2021, Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency for 60 days. This declaration led to the constitutional rights of Ecuadorian nationals being suspended and heavily armed troops flooding the streets in Ecuador. The immediate reason…

Indigenous People are heading to COP26: “There is no solution to the climate crisis, without us”

Indigenous movement mobilized the largest delegation of Brazilian leaders in the history of the climate conference to put forward the demarcation of indigenous lands as a solution The Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib), together with all its…

Sofía Scasserra: “A supranational digital economy is being generated, over our heads”.

A few days ago, the Transnational Institute published the report: Digital Colonialism, an analysis of the European trade agenda. “Cuatro elementos” interviewed Sofía Scasserra, research associate at the Transnational Institute, to discuss the key points of the report. Q: Remind…

Nonviolent October in Ecuador: Pressenza book presentation

Next Wednesday 27th October at 1pm in Ecuador and as part of the activities of Nonviolent October, Pressenza will present the recently published book “Nonviolent Journalism: towards a humanising approach to communication”. The publication, written by a team of five…

The pain of others

“When I was born they put two tears in my eyes so that I could see the size of the pain of my people.” (Humberto Ak’abal) The life of the indigenous Latin American brings, from birth, the fate of resistance.…

Children and young people learn by imitation

In a study conducted in the United States between 1977 and 1995, psychologists Leonard Eron and Rowell Huesmann concluded that greater exposure of children to violence in the media is the cause of more violent behaviour in youth and adulthood.…

Humanist ideas to the Constitutional Convention

Yesterday 18 different books with the thoughts of Silo and various contemporary humanist authors were donated to the library of nonviolence of the Chilean Constitutional Convention, so that their ideas can be consulted and inspire the drafting of the texts…

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