
South America

Chile: The trivialisation of human rights

In Chile, on the occasion of the upcoming elections, worrying conceptions of human rights (HR) have surfaced. Conceptions that trivialise them, with extreme lightness. From the hard left, particularly those who tend to be behind Artés’ candidacy, there are those…

The climate, ecological and human health crisis Human beings as a central value?

By: Doris Balvin [1] The current state of the global environmental situation and those responsible. Talking about the global environmental situation, within the framework of the Open World Meeting of New Humanism, entitled “The human being as a central value”,…

Chile: Housing Movements start historic march from Santiago to Valparaíso

Under a scorching sun, yesterday morning began the march for housing from Santiago to Valparaíso, seat of the Parliament, which in three days will cover the 130 km distance by foot. The nearly 1500 people, mostly belonging to the Autonomous…

Front-of-pack food labeling: the origin of a social movement with the name of a woman

The 26th of October will be remembered as the day when front-of-package food labelling finally became law to achieve something that seemed utopian: that people know what they are consuming, and decide about it. The most named and praised person…

Two Mapuche community members shot dead by the military in Cañete

Machi Francisca Linconao called on President Piñera after the death of two community members: “He should withdraw his carabineros and the military”. The conventional constituent criticised the state of emergency in the southern macrozone and called on the president to…

Boric’s programme ensures social stability

There are four factors of the current neoliberal model that generate instability and violence in the country and, at the same time, limit economic progress: discrimination against women; environmental deterioration; economic and political centralism; and indecent work. Boric’s proposal seeks…

NINIS. The Gender Gap and the Asymmetry between Education and the Labour Market

The National Employment Survey for the mobile quarter July – September 2021 that was presented by the National Statistics Institute (INE) provides us with interesting information regarding young people between 15 and 24 years of age who are not studying…

Argentina: Rights, foreign debt and a colonised judiciary

Law has served to create civilisations and also to colonise and subjugate peoples. By Miguel Julio Rodríguez Villafañe Likewise, we must bear in mind, as essential and fundamental, that the basic right of our people is nourished by human rights,…

Chile: institutional violence (II)

Unfortunately, institutional violence has accompanied us throughout almost all of our republican history. Ever since the bloody battle of Lircay imposed an extremely authoritarian and conservative de facto order, well disguised in the Constitution of 1833. As Diego Portales himself…

Peru: Mysticism and religiosity in Lima

In the Lima of “all bloods”, where the most cosmopolitan trends coexist with popular and religious traditions rooted in the heritage of our pre-Hispanic ancestors, there is a transversal component to the lives of the people of Lima: religiosity, always…

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