
South America

November 25: the Silence of Men

On 25 November, the International Day of Nonviolence against Women was commemorated. Progress has been made in making visible femicides and those aggressions of high social connotation, but the violence that women in Chile experience on a daily basis is…

External debts: tricky words and concepts

In the use of everyday language, the view on the issue of foreign debt has been manipulated. In this way, words and concepts have been and are used to induce and deceive, favouring and favouring a sweetened view, with psychological…

Declaration of CEHUM-Alétheia in the face of the second round of the presidential elections in Chile

IN VIEW OF THE RESULTS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND THE SECOND ROUND, THE CENTRE FOR HUMANIST STUDIES CEHUM-ALÉTHEIA DECLARES: As a Centre for Studies, we see with concern in the programme of Candidate José Antonio Kast a civilisational step…

American Express Goes on a Buying Spree in Argentina’s Congress

I was told that a man by the name of John Doe passed through the offices of Argentine congressmen. He wasn’t carrying heavy bags of cash, but only had an American Express card on him. Doe was a well-groomed and…

Peru: Democracy and the dismissal of the government

Representatives of the opposition bench in the Peruvian Congress have openly called for the impeachment of the President of Peru, José Pedro Castillo Terrones, on the grounds that he is permanently morally unfit to govern and is causing political instability…

Editorial Archipiélago publishes graphic novel on art, nature and ethics

On the Other Side of the Glass by Antonia Bañados A young artist travels to an art school in Scotland, where she undertakes the creation of an ambitious work: a futuristic aquarium inhabited by an axolotl, a rare and delicate…

Latin America and the Caribbean: An optimistic reading amidst waves and gales

The global pandemic deepened the precarious conditions of the majorities, generated by capitalist financialisation, and cruelly revealed the shortages and inequalities produced by the neoliberal order, only attenuated in some places by progressive social systems of containment. By Javier Tolcachier…

Deputy Hirsch campaigns for Boric to win the Balotage

With this photo-report we give an account of the multiple activities that are deployed with force and energy, seeking the election of presidential candidate Gabriel Boric in the Chilean second round of elections. Enthusiastic activists and supporters converged in 100…

Chile: Kast or Boric

If with so many presidential candidates in the first round of elections abstention was higher than the number of voters, nothing presages that now the situation could change and not be even more those who are reluctant to vote for…

Portrait of an Indispensable Woman: Fabiola Letelier del Solar

By Maxine Lowy Demonstrators fill the streets and a battalion of police runs after them until nabbing several and letting their clubs fall. Within this scene, common and recurrent during that summer of 2015, and many other years in Chile,…

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