

Super Doomsday?

Danny Katch looks at the outcome of the latest set of presidential primary elections. THE BIG winners of the dozen Super Tuesday primary contests on March 1 were the two frontrunners for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations–but for the…

New low for Europe as police bulldoze camps, tear gas asylum seekers, and shutter borders

Police attacked refugees with tear gas, water cannons, and stun grenades while dismantling the refugee camp in Calais and refusing migrants entry into Macedonia by Nika Knight, staff writer for Common Dreams “The jungle burns,” reported Germany’s Die Zeit on…

Tony deBrum’s speech on the 62nd anniversary of the Bravo-H bomb, Yaizu City

  From Joseph Gerson (abolition-caucus email group) Yesterday he was in Japan, where he marched with 2,000 Japanese peace activists and Hibakusha to the tomb of Kuboyama Aikichi, the first of the crew members of the Fifth Lucky Dragon’s to…

Laureates gather to ‘Make Nepal Green’

Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award from China, Japan, and India came together last week to participate in a seminar in Kathmandu, Nepal, where they shared their expertise and supported 2010 Laureate Shrikrishna Upadhyay of SAPPROS-Nepal in the ‘Make Nepal Green’ initiative. The initiative, launched…

New Nuclear Hysteria in the Middle East

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* 29 February 2016 (IPS) –  When the tsunami of panic around Iran’s potential capability to develop nuclear weapons reached its peak some three years ago, a combined diplomatic, media campaign warning that a Gulf…

Argentina thrown to the vultures

In June 2015 the Jubilee Debt Campaign explained: ‘Argentina’s economy is being held to ransom by a small handful of very wealthy speculators – so-called ‘vulture funds’. ‘A New York court has awarded two US vulture funds a $1.3 billion…

Hong Kong bookseller Lee Po’s China TV interview transcript

Lee Po, the majority shareholder of Causeway Bay Books, denied in an interview with Sing Tao Daily that he had been abducted. Lee admitted for the first time that he had sneaked across onto the mainland  to assist in investigations…

Transnational affairs: truly independent analyses and different angles…

We are happy to send you a few of the latest essentially important articles on transnational affairs – reaching from the individual through the state and region to the world level – where others are still stuck in the inter-national…

Video: NYC Request the Liberation of Milagro Sala

The Humanists in New York are asking the media and people on social networks to share and distribute this video. Their are also requesting to the friends and family of Milagro Sala to make sure she can watch this video.…

Gathering in NYC for the Liberation of Milagro Sala

The rally was part of the International Humanist Campaign in Support of Milagro Sala. People gathered in NYC at Union Square in front of the Gandhi Statue. “We choose this place to remind us of Gandhi’s experiences of  being arrested…

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