

Japanese Calligraphy: an interview with Chikako Fukami-Thomsen

Calligraphy, the key to express Japanese culture; thoughts put into ink. Chikako Fukami-Thomsen swas born in Kyoto, Japan, and now lives in Zurich. She has been working with calligraphy and painting (Nihonga) since childhood, and has taught calligraphy in Japan,…

Bangladesh – Sundarbans: coal-laden coaster capsize warning

A coal-laden coaster capsized in the Shelah River in the thick of the Sundarban mangrove forests of Bangladesh. The forestry department has filed for compensation in a case claiming five-billion-taka as the coaster has polluted to a large extent the…

The Unwavering Dignity of the Cuban Revolution Has Won

They can try to say what they want, but the Cuban Revolution continues to triumph against U.S. interference despite the decades-long blockade and the Cuban Adjustment Act (among other things). And since it’s time to say things clearly, let’s begin…

The Unwavering Dignity of the Cuban Revolution Has Won

They can try to say what they want, but the Cuban Revolution continues to triumph against U.S. interference despite the decades-long blockade and the Cuban Adjustment Act (among other things). And since it’s time to say things clearly, let’s begin…

The slow, inevitable collapse of the two-party system

 In this election year, it’s clear that a seismic political shift is rumbling through America.  Widespread discontent for the status quo is surfacing from both the left and right.  A year ago, it would have been impossible to envision a…

Peruvian trade unions challenge union busting law

On Friday, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) responded to a trade complaint filed last summer by ILRF and Peruvian trade unions to challenge the NTEP law and other abuses. DOL released a report that confirms what we’ve known for…

Attacks in Brussels: no way out through violence.

We strongly condemn the attacks carried out today in Brussels, as we condemn all wars, wherever they may be. It is with immense sadness and great determination that we express our solidarity to the victims and their loved ones. With…

Pressenza editors endorse DiEM25

Pressenza editors from 6 different language editions today expressed their endorsement of the Democracy in Europe 2025 campaign on the eve of the official launch of the project to an Italian audience in Rome.  The endorsement, which is published in…

The Great Game & the partition of Syria

Russia’s decision to greatly reduce its military presence in Syria, coming as it did with little warning, has left the world struggling for explanations. Russia is to maintain a military presence at its naval base in Tartous and at the…

NATO wars, refugees and terrorism cannot be seen in isolation from one another: Europe must give a coherent response

Once more we witness acts of terrorism in Europe. These events in western cities killing European citizens are horrific in the eyes of the western media. They should be condemned and all peace-loving human beings condemn them. We in Pressenza…

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