

Anti-militarists protest against the militarisation of the Expojove children’s fair in Valencia

A group of activists from Antimilitaristes-MOC València paint pink and climb on a tank in protest against the militarisation of the Expojove children’s fair in Valencia. Antimilitarist activists dressed as clowns have painted the army tank at the Expojove children’s…

Ukraine blatantly violates the human rights of peace activists and conscientious objectors

The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), and Connection e.V. (Germany) express their deep disappointment and grave concerns about the continuing harassment of peace activists and conscientious objectors, including arbitrary prosecutions and unfair judgments, as well as the inappropriate…

Mexico: more than 8,000 people advance towards Oaxaca in migrant caravan

The more than 8,000 Central and South American migrants who make up the migrant caravan known as the “Exodus of Poverty” continued their journey early this morning from the municipality of Escuintla to Mapastepec, in Chiapas, to reach the state…

PAWS & EcoWaste: Firecrackers can Traumatize Animals and Pollute the Air

28 December 2023, Quezon City.  An animal welfare group and an environmental health group urged the general public to welcome the New Year sans firecrackers and fireworks to protect animals such as cats and dogs, as well as the ecosystems,…

Nearly Half of Global Business Firms Reduced Travel Emissions by at Least 50% Since 2019, Analysis Finds

According to a new analysis by Travel Smart, a campaign by the European Federation for Transport and Environment, about half of over 200 global business firms reduced their business-related travel emissions by over 50% from 2019 to 2022. Much of…

U.S., Japan’s record defense budgets intensifying geopolitical rivalry

Japan and the U.S. have adopted record-breaking defense budgets for 2024, with Japan accepting a 16-percent rise in military spending, and the U.S. authorizing $886 billion in annual military expenditure, which totals $28 billion higher than it did for the…

Politics, a lucrative investment

It is a well-known fact that the left is always divided, just as the right also tends to express itself in very belligerent alternatives to each other, although finally they unite and converge to participate in elections or overthrow governments.…

The main thing is “the hope of the people”.

On social networks and in the media, an endless amount of bad news appears every day, in which we can see the most heartbreaking war misdeeds. This can lead us to the false idea that the world is lost. However,…

Right-Wing Extremism and The Cold War Go Hand-In-Hand

U.S. “ironclad” support for militarism undercuts attempts to curb right-wing terrorism. From white supremacist violence in the West Bank to gendered violence in Olongapo, we can’t defeat at home what we export abroad. In his first month as secretary of…

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

The $1.5 trillion in military outlays each year is the scam that keeps on giving—to the military-industrial complex and the Washington insiders—even as it impoverishes and endangers America and the world. By Jeffrey D. Sachs On the surface, US foreign…

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