

#BernieOrBust: Sanders Fans Debate Whether to Vote for Clinton If She is Democratic Nominee

As Democratic challengers Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton press on in the Democratic primary, Sanders trails in the pledged delegate count by more than 300. Add in superdelegates, and Clinton is just under 200 delegates shy of the number needed…

Remembering Father Dan Berrigan, a Prophet of Peace

A prophet of peace has passed. Daniel Berrigan, a Catholic Jesuit priest, a protester, a poet, a dedicated uncle and brother, died last weekend at the age of 94. His near-century on Earth was marked by compassion and love for…

UK local Elections, the Mayor of London and regional Assemblies.

The results are still coming in, the counting has not finished but some trends can be seen and the knives are already out to use the results to justify more dirty tricks campaigns. The Mayor of London election shows a…

Lest the world forget, the North Koreans are real people living real lives

Jean Lee writing for gives a comprehensive overview of the situation in North Korea today and what has gone immediately before to bring leader Kim Jong Un’s first party congress in 36 years, centre stage. See: leader Kim Jong…

Rousseff foe Cunha suspended by Brazilian high court

Eduardo Cunha was about to be second in line to presidency, should President Rousseff be impeached. Now he has been suspended following allegations he tried to block his own corruption probe. The man leading the charge to see President Dilma…

UK slammed for plan forcing people to prove nationality

The British government has been criticized for a recent “discriminatory” bill that would make people show proof of their nationality or face prosecution. The government is proposing the bill to provide police and immigration officers across the UK with an authority to order arrested…

China’s foreign NGOs kinda safer and kinda not!

China denounced the United Nations for its declaration against its new law governing foreign NGOs operating in China as based on “prejudiced and unfounded allegations”, and has demanded that the statement be withdrawn. China’s foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told…

Pro-Corporate TTIP on the ropes as top French officials lambaste ‘Bad Deal’

At this stage, France says ‘No,’” says president François Hollande” by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams The corporate-influenced TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), exposed earlier this week as “an enormous corporate power grab,” looks increasingly precarious. French…

Anonymous banners getting gov’t message out on Lantau development

An article appeared on the blog, Lantau Confidential – NOTES FROM THE BIG ISLAND.  It concerns a series of banners that promote the government’s ‘develop Lantau’ message. These have ‘popped up’ all over South Lantau.  “The unusual feature is that no one has…

TTIP—American Economic Imperialism

Greenpeace has done that part of the world whose representatives are so corrupt or so stupid as to sign on to the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic “partnerships” a great service. Greenpeace secured and leaked the secret TTIP documents that Washington and…

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