

Greenpeace climbers climb one of the Kio Towers Madrid to say no to TTIP

PRESS RELEASE    ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! Greenpeace climbers climb one of the Kio Towers Madrid to say no to TTIP • Activists are climbed one of the towers known as the ‘Gateway to Europe’ to alert the treaty that…

Democrats Vote in Kentucky, Oregon; Sanders Supporters Protest Nevada Results

Democratic voters head to the polls in Kentucky and Oregon today. The primaries come after supporters of Bernie Sanders protested procedures they saw as favoring Hillary Clinton at the Nevada convention over the weekend. Back in February, initial results in…

Deterring Migration by Terrorizing Refugees

Danny Katch looks at the cruel logic for the Obama administration’s plans to launch a new wave of raids to detain and deport Central American mothers and children LAST WEEK, officials in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced plans…

Dilma, unbreakable

“We should have killed her,” her torturers will have repeated hundreds of times to themselves when they saw her becoming Brazil’s first woman president. Or they would have wanted cancer to make her disappear from the political scene, just like…

A Friendly Critique of the Break Free Climate Actions

I have enjoyed reading accounts and seeing photos of those committed and courageous climate activists who participated in the recent Break Free from Fossil Fuels actions conducted at various locations in 13 countries from 4-15 May 2016. See ‘Break Free…

Noam Chomsky: Climate Change & Nuclear Proliferation Pose the Worst Threat Ever Faced by Humans

President Obama has just passed a little-noticed milestone, according to The New York Times: Obama has now been at war longer than any president in U.S. history—longer than George W. Bush, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Obama has taken…

Plea for Zika mosquitoes and their kith and kin

The Zika-disease spreading mosquito is everywhere and all the usual precautions need be taken to prevent bites, from generously supplied nets to more inclusive education. That’s because we are ever invading nature’s own spaces without regard for the creatures that live there.…

Peace Sign in London

Londoners met yesterday May 14 to form a Peace Sign in Trafalgar Square and hear calls for Peace and Nonviolence from a number of organisations. Here is the speech I gave representing World without Wars and Violence as well as…

Rio de Janeiro: the vigour of resistance

By Valdir Silveira. The situation in Brazil is critical and there will be violent forces that seek to take away our rights, but the event of today – just like previous acts – has been of great participation and vigour. …

ICAN protests outside missions of governments reluctant to support ban

At the May session of the UN working group in Geneva, a small number of nations extolled the supposed “security value” of nuclear weapons and spoke out against a ban. ICAN protested at the diplomatic missions of some of these…

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