

Close calls: We were closer to nuclear destruction than we knew

Jan Oberg writes: Leaders are very good at telling us that this or that group or country is a threat to us. And how good they are at protecting us citizens by their – military-based – “security” and “defence” policies. This…

Philippines president-elect Rodrigo Duterte bringing in a difference

President-elect Rodrigo Duterte or, Duterte Harry to some, is early into his run-up to real power and the China Matters blog – gives some highly detailed context to what’s coming next and why it’s most interesting, given local and…

Obama in Hiroshima: A call to do things differently

President Obama made an historic visit to Hiroshima today—the first sitting US president to do so since the US atomic bombing of that city on August 6, 1945, followed three days later by the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. As he…

United youth voice demands for peace in South Korea

In many cities besides Seoul, including Sydney, New York City, Manila, Shanghai, Cape Town and Oakland; youth, women, and citizens generally marched for peace on May 25, 2016, with the behest to replace the current culture of war with a…

Africa, Resolved to Address African Problems With African Solutions

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ISTANBUL, Turkey , May 22 2016 (IPS) – The African Union (AU) representing 54 countries and home to 1,2 billion inhabitants, will be in Istanbul to participate in the May 23-24, 2016, first-ever World…

Obama in Hiroshima paints a Peace Sign on a bomb

President Obama went to Hiroshima, did not apologize, did not state the facts of the matter (that there was no justification for the bombings there and in Nagasaki), and did not announce any steps to reverse his pro-nuke policies (building…

Day of Actions against CETA in London

By Inka, NoTTIP TEXT AND IMAGES PROVIDED BY TIM FLITCROFT Monday May 16th saw Day of Actions Against CETA by anti TTIP activists who joined allies from across Atlantic to kickstart the campaign in the centre of London. Our message:…

Open letter to American soldiers from the Czech Republic

American military forces will cross the territory of the Czech Republic from May 27-30 in operation Saber Strike. The media are downplaying the event so as not to awaken the sensitivity in the Czech people that ended plans to build…

Protests intensify, spread across France as workers refuse submission

‘What we want today is for this movement to spread,’ says unionist. by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Amid ongoing blockades and intensifying clashes with police, protests against President François Hollande’s controversial set of labor reforms deepened on…

Young People – The Model doesn’t fit any more

By Mary Bolinbroke for Occupy London We live in a society that has spent many decades establishing a culture of pressures and materialistic milestones to push our kids into their future. Democracy built around corporations has neatly set up guidelines…

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