

Time to Change Expectations: Zero Retribution to Zero Tolerance

Human Wrongs Watch By Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka* UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director UNITED NATIONS, 1 June 2016 (IPS) – The drugging, abduction and violent gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil calls us all to turn…

The Poisonwood Bible – Barbara Kingsolver

The Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver Published by HarperFlamingo – 1998 It was the audacity by way of an uncaring humour that initially took me into this ‘novel’ and only eventually did I begin to appreciate its profound contents and…

Salah Lamrani – he has taken sides and expressed an opinion only

Moving Perspectives – Shafaqna Exclusive Interview with Salah Lamrani Support Salah Lamrani in his struggle :  May 30, 2016 SHAFAQNA – In order to bring you, our readers, closer to realities and truths, Shafaqna will conduct a series of…

Communications Forum rejects the Coup in Brazil and destabilization in Venezuela

The Forum on Communication for the Integration of Our America (FCINA) rejects and condemns the judicial-media-parliamentary coup d’état that has displaced Dilma Rousseff, who was elected by 54 million citizens as constitutional president of Brazil; a coup that, in addition…

The Scottish Parliament declares: ‘No ifs, no buts, no fracking’

Non-binding fracking ban signals ‘growing consensus that stopping climate change means we have to say no to new fossil fuels like fracked gas.’ by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams The Scottish Parliament on Wednesday narrowly passed a motion…

As 1,000 Refugees Drown Under European Policies, Meet the Volunteers Who Are Trying to Save Lives

Up to 1,000 refugees are feared to have drowned in recent days while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea. The United Nations say this marks one of the highest weekly death tolls since the migrant crisis began in 2014. UNICEF…

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in Dead Heat in California

Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are both campaigning in California ahead of the June 7 primary, where polls are showing the two in a dead heat. Bernie Sanders has focused his campaign energy into the California primary…

Islamophobia: Why are so many people so frightened?

Islamophobia has become a significant factor driving politics in many western countries. Islamophobia – fear of Muslims – is now highly visible among European populations concerned about terrorist responses from Islamic groups claiming Jihadi links. However, it is also evident…

Canada’s Pickering Nuclear Plant, an uneconomic nuclear dinosaur on life support

There are eight nuclear reactors at the Pickering site, all connected to a single vacuum building that serves as a common “containment structure” in the event of any major nuclear accident.  The vacuum building is designed to suck up the…

The Uranium Film Festival Award Winners 2016

Rio de Janeiro’s 6th International Uranium Film Festival awarded  films from 8 countries: Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Six films received the Yellow Einstein Award and 4 films the festival’s Special Recognition. In total the…

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