

Jeremy Corbyn pledges fracking ban, energy co-ops in green Labour agenda

‘We want Britain to be the world’s leading producer of renewables technology,’ he said in Nottingham, a proposed fracking site by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams Jeremy Corbyn on Wednesday introduced a green energy agenda “for the 60…

Jeremy Corbyn launches Energy and Environment policy

Jeremy Corbyn has today announced the boldest environmental policy of any major party in British history: “We will act to protect the future of our planet, with social justice at the heart of our environment policies. We will create a…

Without Indigenous People, Conservation Is a Halfway Measure

Human Wrongs Watch By Emilio Godoy* HONOLULU, Hawaii, USA , Sep 5 2016 (IPS) – “You don’t convert your own house in a tourist site,” said Oussou Lio Appolinaire, an activist from Benin, wearing a traditional outfit in vivid yellows…

Laos and the US: blood and secrets

Barack Obama is the first US President to visit Laos. Yet Laos has a long and painful history with the US, stretching back over 50 years. And this history is made up of a secret war, a secret army and…

Repression rains down on Pro-Democracy demonstrators in Brazil

“We’re here to show that the people still have power and that despite the coup, we are here in the street to bring down the government and call for a new election” by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams…

5 Alarming Facts about Amazon Forest Fires

Human Wrongs Watch By Cristiane Mazzetti* 1 September, 2016 (Greenpeace) – The Amazon is being burned. Here’s what you need to know. From July to November, it is fire season in the Amazon rainforest. But while fires can be a normal…

An Open Letter to the People of Brazil

As I read of the latest coup in Brazil, once again removing a democratically elected leader from power, my anger surged. Not again! However, as I see and read about the ongoing massive protests, as well as calls by prominent…

European right hails AfD success in German election

Right-wing populists in other countries have greeted the results of a regional German election, which saw an anti-immigration, anti-EU party take 20 percent. One says it’s a harbinger of a “patriotic spring.” Right-wing populists across Europe cheered the strong showing…

The Corbyn crowd, and its signal

What is really going on in Jeremy Corbyn’s [UK] Labour Party? An open-air meeting and the changes in a ward branch give some clues. By Paul Rogers 2 September 2016 for openDemocracy These columns have occasionally strayed from their usual…

Gaza: Over 80% of Population Depend on Humanitarian Assistance

Human Wrongs Watch By UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)* The blockade on Gaza, now in its tenth year, has created extremely high unemployment and aid dependency rates in Gaza: in 2016, over 80 per cent of…

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