

North Dakota: Police Attack Protectors with Tear Gas

On Wednesday, police deployed pepper spray and tear gas against dozens of Native American water protectors during a standoff at Cantapeta Creek, north of the main resistance camp. At least two people were shot with nonlethal projectiles. Video and photos…

Anti-Brexit ruling gives surprise ‘victory for Parliamentary Democracy’

High court ruled government does not have unilateral power to withdraw the U.K. from the E.U. by triggering Article 50 by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams The U.K.’s High Court on Thursday ruled that only British Parliament can…

So Now the Election has Come Down to e-mail

Danny Katch tries to untangle the media frenzy about the FBI and mystery e-mails. CLINTON VS. TRUMP was bound to anticlimax with something out of an Onion headline, and apparently this is the one we’re going to get: “Content-less Election…

Susan Sarandon endorses Jill Stein

Here is the letter of endorsement sent by actress Susan Sarandon to Jill Stein’s campaign: Dear Jill and team, I’ve been waiting for any indication that Hillary Clinton’s position on the issues that are most urgent to me, has changed.…

UNESCO must go one step further with a cultural boycott of Israel

The UN’s record of standing up to Israel’s bully-boy tactics is littered with failure. Last month, however, that trend was bucked when UNESCO adopted two telling resolutions on Jerusalem. Not only did the organisation reject Israel’s claims of ownership within…

Bogotá starts moving towards the 16th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates

The Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (CCB) and the Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates launched today the official preparations towards the 16th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, an event to be held in the Colombian…

How to revitalise progressive politics in Brexit Britain

By Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25-Another Europe event at the LSE on October 8, 2016. Before the referendum DiEM25, our Democracy in Europe Movement, and Another Europe Is Possible, joined forces to argue the ‘IN the EU and AGAINST this EU’ line.…

Without the power of kindness, our society will fall apart

When we are vulnerable and estranged from each other we can be easily manipulated by demagogues, as can be seen in the US and Europe. By George Monbiot for The Guardian If there is an irrepressible human trait it’s the…

US uranium weapons have been used in Syria

By John LaForge | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service 28 Oct 2016 – This month, the Pentagon admitted it has used uranium weapons in attacks inside Syria — violating its public promise last year that it would not use DU…

Spain’s ousted opposition leader reveals where the real power lies: with the country’s oligarchs

Spain’s deposed Socialist leader, Pedro Sánchez, revealed that banks and newspapers secretly pressured him not to do a deal with Podemos. By Luis Martín 31 October 2016 for openDemocracy Let Mariano Rajoy stay in power or bring on a third…

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