

Northeast appears safe for scribes

By Nava Thakuria* Northeastern part of India, which often receives media headlines for relentless troubles and violent incidents, has completed one more year with no journo-casualty. For record, the region has not reported any murder of scribes in the last…

Donald Trump’s New Nuclear Instability

President-elect Donald Trump exploded a half-century of U.S. nuclear-arms policy in a single tweet last week: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.” With…

The Russians Are Coming

By Oliver Stone As 2016 draws to a close, we find ourselves a deeply unsettled nation. We’re unable to draw the lines of our national interest. Is it jobs and economy, is it national security, or is it now in…

Make Russia Great Again? Aleppo and a Plea from Another World

By Juan Francisco Lobo During the last days of December, Russia will host a round of diplomatic talks with Iran and Turkey. A hundred years ago, Ernst Jünger described a peculiar encounter with a frightened British officer in his account of…

2017 Seen as Turning Point for Liberal Democracies

By Jorge Valero |* Western democracies will be further challenged next year, as populist parties are expected to make gains in Europe, while China and Russia increasingly set the global agenda, taking advantage of a US withdrawal. When the Soviet…

Finland to test ‘universal basic income’ for the unemployed

A group of 2,000 unemployed people in Finland will receive a basic income every month from the state, tax-free and with no strings attached. Proponents hope to prove such schemes boost people’s motivation to find work. Starting in January, 2,000…

Civil liberties versus law enforcement – hackers debate in Hamburg

Can the state collect the data of its citizens in the name of security? Can citizens encrypt their data to combat such an intrusion? Europe’s largest meeting of hackers debates the issues. It is unusually dark in the Hamburg Congress…

Noam Chomsky: Israel’s Response to the UN Resolution on Palestine Is ‘Hysterical’

Israel’s suspension of relations with the UN Security Council member nations that voted for the resolution—powerful countries including the U.K. and France—has effectively realized a goal of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. By Ken Klippenstein / AlterNet December 28,…

North Dakota: Four Water Protectors Arrested Opposing Pipeline

In North Dakota, water protectors fighting the Dakota Access pipeline say police arrested four people on Tuesday near a construction site where workers with Energy Transfer Partners hope to drill under the Missouri River. Water protectors say the four were…

Kazakhstan Offers Astana As Venue Of Syrian Peace Talks

By J Nastranis NEW YORK- IDN  In a major move ahead of joining the UN Security Council as its non-permanent member on January 1, 2017 for two years, President Nursultan Nazarbayev has offered the Kazakh capital of Astana as the…

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