

Trump, a catastrophe or a catalyst for change?

By Ana Carvallo With the nail-biting inauguration of January 20th rapidly approaching, many feel a gut-wrenching sense of unease at the prospect of an inexperienced, loud-mouthed and rather vulgar successor leading America into 2017. Of course, over here in Europe…

Slain Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers Honored with Historic Landmark

The National Parks Service said Wednesday it will honor slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers by naming his former home as a National Historic Landmark. On June 12, 1963, Evers was assassinated in the driveway outside his home in Jackson,…

USA, March & Knit for Resistance

This January 21st we will march together with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families and in solidarity with those who were most insulted, marginalized, and threatened during the election cycle –…

Allegations Against Russia Less Credible Every Day

The U.S. government has now generated numerous news stories and released multiple “reports” aimed at persuading us that Vladimir Putin is to blame for Donald Trump becoming president. U.S. media has dutifully informed us that the case has been made.…

Aleppo’s Evil Humanitarians Photo Story # 3

By Jan Oberg, TFF director – Lund, Sweden, January 9, 2017 Unique photos with text from Aleppo’s Jibrin reception center for people finally liberated in Eastern Aleppo December 11-12, 2016. Documentation of the fact that it was the Syrian authorities,…

Top Twenty-Five Most-Read Articles During 2016

Below is a list of the 25 articles that were most read on in English during 2016. ★ Number 10 ★ “One very simple, but radical, idea: to democratise Europe” The season is nearly over, but that doesn’t mean…

Florida: 7 from Food Not Bombs Arrested Feeding People in City Park

Food Not Bombs is an all-volunteer global movement that shares free vegan and vegetarian meals as a protest to  war and poverty. Each chapter collects surplus food that would otherwise go to waste from grocery stores, bakeries and markets, as well…

Manchado on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with Manchado a young singer/performer, producer and designer. Originally from Colombia, Manchado came to New York at 18 by himself to pursue music.

A « Humanitarian NGO» deprives 5.6 million civilians of water

VOLTAIRE NETWORK | 7 JANUARY 2017 The Jihadists, who since 24 December 2016 have been polluting the sources of Barada — the river which provides the water supply for the inhabitants (now totalling more than 7 million) of Damascus and…

Poor Darwin – Robots, Not Nature, Now Make the Selection

By Baher Kamal – Human Wrongs Watch ROME, Jan 5 2017 (IPS) – When British naturalist Charles Darwin published in 1859 his theory of evolution in his work On the Origin of Species, he most likely did not expect that robots,…

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