

#NODAPL Last Stand

The final DAPL permit has been granted by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock called for a global resistance to fossil fuels and fascism. Protests have already started in the US and all over the…

The Civil March for Aleppo reaches Vienna

The Civil March for Aleppo is a civil movement that goes all the way through Europe, along the refugee trail, heading for Syria. It is a solidarity initiative that at the same time encourages the participants to become active for…

Army Corps to Greenlight Construction of Dakota Access Pipeline

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced it will greenlight the final phase of construction for the Dakota Access pipeline, prompting indigenous water protectors and their allies to call for a “last stand” against the $3.8 billion project. In…

US peace activists say: Who are “They” anyway?

Inside our California home we feel deeply, and coast-to-coast across America, we read thousands of post-election words about fears and potential dangers. Yet, listening carefully across the black-dark chasms of human separation, we citizens see light on some unifying agreement:…

Israel in violation of Oslo agreements while the world says nothing

From the Union of Agricultural Work Committees in Palestine comes the following press release which we publish to raise awareness of the level of feeling within Palestine at the continued abuse of Palestinian lands and people by the Israeli government…

Aleppo: School Children in the Factory

It’s about the terrible, systematic destruction of this UNESCO World Heritage site but also about an Aleppo businessman who turned his damaged factory into a school for 1500 children. It had been damaged by the Free Syrian Army and al-Nushra…

Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against ‘racist’ Israeli state and home demolitions

Thousands rallied in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv on Saturday evening in protest of home demolitions targeting Palestinian citizens of Israel, with demonstrators calling the Israeli state’s demolition campaign “racist” and an act of “incitement” against Palestinian citizens. Protesters…

Iran on Notice?

On February 15 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Trump in Washington DC. Iran will be among the issues the two will discuss. The Iran nuclear deal, signed in 2015, lifted sanctions in exchange for limiting Iran’s…

Berlin: Change from below – A city for everybody

In Berlin, a broad alliance of local initiatives took to the streets for social housing and self-determined organisation of the city by its inhabitants. Students of the Humboldt University of Berlin initiated this demonstration. What is exemplified by this demonstration…

Tupac Amaru, the solitude and pain of destruction

These are difficult days for activists of the Tupac Amaru organization. One year after the arrest of their leader, Milagro Sala, the activities of their San Salvador de Jujuy Head office are more or less at a standstill. In this…

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