

Action Letter from the Muslim Community Network

I hope this finds you well.  As you may have heard, the last several days have been unbearable for many communities with the ICE Raids and the uncertainty of the Muslim Ban.  As union leaders and activists, we must continue…

Swedish Bank Nordea Against Companies Behind DAPL

After a visit by its representatives to Standing Rock, Swedish financial institution Nordea has announced that it will not back the Dakota Access Pipeline if it violates the demands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Nordea met with tribal representatives…

Thousands Gather on California Beaches to Resist Trump

In California 5,000 people participated on February 11 in a “RESIST!!” event against Trump’s administration on Ocean Beach in San Francisco, in the towns of Pacifica and Ventura, and on Wright’s Beach in Sonoma County, forming the word “Resist!” on…

Why won’t march to unite all movements include peace?

By David Swanson Will you stand for peace? Your website at proposes a march on Washington on April 29, 2017, to “unite all our movements” for “communities,” “climate,” “safety,” “health,” “the rights of people of color, workers, indigenous people,…

Immigrant Rally: Here To Stay y No Nos Vamos

In Washington Square Park immigrant-rights groups rallied to challenge the criminalization of immigrants under the NYPD’s current Broken-Windows policy, before it worsens under Trump’s far-right administration. See Our Photo Gallery of the Event Broken-windows policing targets small crimes on the theory that…

Construction Begins on Final Section of Dakota Access Pipeline

In North Dakota, construction crews have resumed work on the final section of the Dakota Access pipeline, after the Trump administration granted an easement to allow Energy Transfer Partners to drill beneath the Missouri River. The construction resumed as opponents…

Unlike Russian wars, US wars ‘promote freedom and democracy’: New York Times

Written by Adam Johnson; Originally appeared at FAR The New York Times, in its recent rebuff of comments President Donald Trump made about Russia, seems not to have evolved its understanding of US geopolitics past an 8th grade level. Trump had…

Fukushima Update – What you need to know

People all around the world know when the Fukushima Daiichi disaster began, but no one knows when it will end. As you all know, Fairewinds has been sharing the facts of the Fukushima Daiichi triple meltdowns since they began six…

Appeals Court Upholds Injunction on Trump Travel and Refugee Ban

A federal appeals court in San Francisco has unanimously upheld a suspension of President Trump’s executive order barring all refugees from entering the U.S. and restricting travel from seven Muslim-majority countries. Thursday’s decision is a stinging blow to the Trump…

US Threatens to Penalize Allies on UN Voting

By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS, Feb 7 2017 (IPS) – The United States and most Western donors have traditionally exercised their financial clout to threaten developing nations who refuse to fall in line on critical UN voting either in the…

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