

Shared Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony under difficult circumstances

By Ilan Baruch, Yehudit Yinhar and Ina Darmstädter Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians participated in the alternative memorial ceremony organized annually by Combatants for Peace and the Bereaved Parents Circle, two distinguished Israeli-Palestinian peace movements, to pay tribute to the…

DAPL, Open Letter to Deutsche Bank

John Cryan Chief Executive Officer Deutsche Bank AG March 22nd, 2017 Dear Mr. Cryan, We are a group of organizations committed to fighting for racial and environmental justice in Germany and around the world. We are writing today to demand…

The combined Media onslaught and self-sabotage in the Labour Party pays off

The results of the Local Elections in Britain are in, and it is not good for Labour. Of course its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, will be blamed, of course the right wingers within the party will shout ‘I told you so’,…

House GOP Health Bill Could Put Coverage Out of Reach of Millions

The House of Representatives on Thursday voted narrowly to do away with the Affordable Care Act, replacing it with a healthcare bill that would dramatically roll back Medicaid, provide hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to the wealthy,…

What is driving North Korea to nuclear madness?

Another cycle of conferences started this week in Vienna to culminate in a conference to review the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2020.  States Parties and civil-society organisations have exchanged views in the general debate and in a number of…

Jackson, MS: Activist Chokwe Antar Lumumba Poised to Become Mayor

In Jackson, Mississippi, social justice activist and attorney Chokwe Antar Lumumba is positioned to become the city’s next mayor, after handily winning a primary election on Tuesday. The 34-year-old Lumumba supports economic democracy and has proposed a civic “incubator fund”…

DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis meets with Ecuador’s President-elect Lenín Moreno in official visit

PRESS RELEASE DiEM25 Sunday, April 23 On Sunday, April 23, DiEM25 co-founder, Yanis Varoufakis had a 2-hour meeting with top economic officials of the government (including the Minister of Economic Coordination Mr. Rodrigo Martinez, the Minister of the New Economy…

‘The contraption’ and the future of social democracy: the government experiment in Portugal

Renato Miguel do Carmo and André Barata 1 May 2017 for openDemocracy Something relatively obvious took too long to be explicitly acknowledged in Portuguese democracy: that there are more points of convergence than of divergence among the leftwing parties. We…

Conversation with Paul “Pinny” Bulman

By Jhon Sánchez In 2015, at the Bronx Library Center, the first thing that Pinny did before starting his reading was to come around to greet each of us in the audience. Pinny writes about growing up in Washington Heights…

What I Said at the Peace Hub of the Climate March

Most countries on earth have the U.S. military in them. Most countries on earth burn less fossil fuel than does the U.S. military. And that’s without even calculating how much worse for the climate jet fuel is than other fossil…

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