

Gorbachev: It Was Worse Than This, and We Fixed It

On Friday in Moscow I and a group from the United States met with former president of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. He said the current relationship between Washington and Moscow alarmed him. But, he said, it is possible to…

Appeals Court Hears Arguments over Trump’s Second Muslim Travel Ban

A federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia, heard arguments over Trump’s second travel ban, which sought to ban all refugees and citizens of six majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. The 13-judge panel appeared to be divided over the…

What do Jeremy Corbyn and Richard III have in common? Both are victims of bad press

Nobody should be surprised by many Labour supporters saying they are disillusioned with Jeremy Corbyn MP, the Labour leader that has led to his party becoming the largest in UK history. We hear the new trends of “post truth” and…

African Migrants Bought and Sold Openly in ‘Slave Markets’ in Libya

By Baher Kamal ROME, May 9 2017 (IPS) – Hundreds of migrants along North African migration routes are being bought and sold openly in modern day ‘slave markets’ in Libya, survivors have told the United Nations migration agency, which warned…

Impeach Trump for Right Reasons

By David Swanson The Constitution suddenly seems to have bestirred itself and declared itself, through its many Washington spokespeople, to be in crisis. I’m sorry, interjects the world, but what the hell took you so long? We laid out the…

From the Ashes of Standing Rock, a Beautiful Resistance is Born

  by Skyler Simmons / Earth First! Newswire If you’re like me, you are probably feeling a deep sorrow in your heart over the news that oil will soon flow through that black snake of death, the Dakota Access Pipeline. Despite…

Celebration. May 4th, Day of testimony.

Note by Ernesto H de Casas. May 2017. As usual this month, we celebrate the Day of the Testimony, referring to that May 4, 1969 in which Silo gave his first public speech, where he explicitly laid the foundations of…

John Oliver leads Net Neutrality defenders to crash FCC website. Again.

‘Last Week Tonight’ host directs viewers to in bid to save open internet by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams He’s done it again. “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver on Sunday issued another powerful rallying cry to…

All-White, All-Male Senate Republican Group Drafting Health Bill

On Capitol Hill, Senate Republicans have begun drafting a healthcare bill that would repeal much of the Affordable Care Act, though the legislation is unlikely to closely resemble a bill approved by the House last week. Senate Majority Leader Mitch…

Climate Change Proof To Convince Even The Most Irrational

By Dr Arshad M Khan The People’s Climate March on Saturday, April 29, 2017, flooded Washington, DC, with over 100,000 protesters. Organizers claimed 150,000, with marches in 330 other cities across the country and in three dozen solidarity events abroad.…

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