

US-led coalition admits use of white phosphorus in Mosul amid mounting criticism

A New Zealand general has confirmed that the US-led coalition fighting in Mosul has used munitions loaded with white phosphorus. It comes amid mounting criticism over the use of the multipurpose weapon, which can be extremely dangerous to civilians. Over…

Conversation with Patricia Smith

by Jhon Sánchez “The Year of the Needy Girls” by Patricia Smith is the kind of book I would give to my friend Jennifer. I’ve been a friend of Jennifer’s for three or four years now. Usually, I’m the only…

Corbyn Teaches To Embrace Change We Need

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers The shocking election result in the United Kingdom – the Conservatives losing their majority and the creation of a hung Parliament; and Jeremy Corbyn being more successful than any recent Labor candidate –…

Leftism’s Moment

By David Swanson For the past many years and for many years to come, “extremism” has been unacceptable in U.S. politics. One must be in favor of more fossil fuel pipelines under certain strict conditions, not against them entirely. That…

New Zealand nuclear-free law celebrated as UN negotiates a global ban!

By Abolition 2000. New Zealand celebrates the 30th anniversary of its historic nuclear free legislation this month with a series of events around the country. At the same time, the United Nations resumes negotiations amongst non-nuclear nations in New York…

The election’s biggest losers? Not the Tories but the media, who missed the story

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Trapped in their hall of mirrors the broadcasters and press wrote off Jeremy Corbyn. They have to change and reflect the world they report on. The election was a crushing defeat – but not…

The Water Protectors in Barcelona

On June 11 Rachel Heaton gave a speech at the ending Panel of the Fearless Cities. Acte públic in Barcelona with Vandana Shiva and other speakers from the front-lines women-lead communities : “Don’t wait until you can’t drink water and breathe the air. We need…

When women get together peace is possible – Interview with Yael Deckelbaum

“Women of the World Unite” is the motto of Israeli-Canadian singer, songwriter and peace activist Yael Deckelbaum, uniting women and men all over the world in order to transcend all frontiers and to build together a future of Peace. She…

Biafra: MASSOB Calls for referendum assisted by the United Nations after Nigeria’s quit-notice statement

Leader of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State Of Biafra (MASSOB) Uchenna Madu has announced that all the groups working for the peaceful restoration of Biafra will work together to restore Biafra through a United Nations monitored…

After 50 years of occupation in Palestine, friendship across a separation wall

Aisha Saifi and Yifat Susskind 8 June 2017 for openDemocracy. Wars have been fought, walls built and separation policies enacted. But we share a common belief that peace is possible. We refuse to be enemies. After crossing multiple checkpoints and…

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