

Stephen Hawking v. the destroyers of the UK National Health Service

‘Stephen Hawking has accused ministers of damaging the NHS, blaming the Conservatives in a passionate and sustained attack for slashing funding, weakening the health service though privatisation, demoralising staff by curbing pay and cutting social care support. ‘The renowned 75-year-old…

Trump’s Hurricane of Hate

As if Hurricane Harvey didn’t terrorize Texas enough, President Donald Trump has just unleashed a flood of fear in immigrant communities there and everywhere. On Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that Trump is rescinding the DACA program (Deferred Action…

Climate Change unleashes “Fire and Fury” on the United States

At some point, our policymakers need to understand that these are not simply natural disasters. Their strength, severity and human toll are intensified by our addiction to fossil fuels. by Wenonah Hauter for Common Dreams Weeks ago, Trump spoke of…

Federal Court Deals Blow to Trump Travel Ban

In the U.S., a federal court struck another blow Thursday to President Trump’s ban on refugees and travelers from six majority-Muslim nations. The unanimous ruling by three judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected an attempt by the…

Open letter from Archibishop Desmond Tutu to Aung San Suu Kyi

My dear Aung San Suu Kyi I am now elderly, decrepit and formally retired, but breaking my vow to remain silent on public affairs out of profound sadness about the plight of the Muslim minority in your country, the Rohingya.…

15 States Sue Trump Admin over Plans to End DACA Immigration Program

Fifteen states – New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont e Virginia –  and the District of Columbia sued the federal government Wednesday seeking to block…

Determined diplomacy is the only option for de-escalation on the Korean Peninsula

We republish here the press statement released by Pax Christi. Pax Christi International shares the deep concerns of the global community over the crisis between North Korea and the United States[1].   Tensions have intensified with yet another nuclear test of…

London, thousands of nursing staff demand pay rise

Around 3,000 nurses, student nurses, health care workers and supporters took part in the 90-minute rally in Parliament Square, opposite the Houses of Parliament. The rally was organized as part of the Royal College of Nursing’s “Scrap the Cap” campaign,…

Beatrice Fihn, ICAN: Either you’re OK with mass murdering civilians with nuclear weapons or you’re not. Why would we build bridges to that?

At the “Health Through Peace” conference organised by Medact, the UK affiliate organisation of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Beatrice Fihn, the Executive Director of ICAN (the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons), was invited to…

A rare piece of good news for the UK National Health Service

From OurNHS Facebook: Some very good news for once – the government has abandoned plans to privatise the in-house NHS staffing agency, NHS Professionals, after fierce campaigning by WeOwnIt, and others, and support from the official Opposition. We’ve been highlighting…

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