

Catalonia: the people’s peaceful response to police violence

Hundreds of thousands of Catalans queue up in the rain in front of polling stations to vote in the referendum on Catalonia’s independence.  This is a nonviolent demonstration, a sign of peaceful expression by a people who want to express…

State police try to stop the Catalan referendum wave

Spanish state police forces burst in with violence first thing this morning, but the popular wave is very large and multi-centred.  There is a disparity of situations, in many places the atmosphere is festive while in others there are police…

Spain tries everything to stop referendum, now with violence

At the beginning everything went peacefully. Despite the rain, many people were waiting in front of polling stations at schools since the early morning.  General suffrage was announced this morning by the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs.  This will…

Anti-Black Racism Colors Pittsburg Penguins Invite To Trump White House

By Irwin Jerome President Trump initially invited the NBA Champion Golden State Warriors – a predominately Black American team, that is supportive of the current ‘Take-a-Knee’ protest that is erupting in American Sports – to come to the White House in…

Basic Income Congress brings together the actors necessary to implement it

By Álvaro Orus and Mayte Quintanilla. One of the greatest achievements – compared to previous editions – of the 17th Basic Income Earth Network world congress that took place in Lisbon has been the way that basic income has been…

Dennis Kucinich Speaks at UN for Nuclear Weapons Ban

By Dennis J. Kucinich, on Behalf of the Basel Peace Office Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly, High Level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament, Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Your Excellency, President of the General Assembly, Distinguished Ministers, Delegates and Colleagues:…

Celebrating a milestone: Russia completes the destruction of chemical weapons stockpile

Dr John Hart for SIPRI. On Wednesday the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü of Turkey, congratulated Russia on completing the destruction of its chemical weapons stockpile which originally totalled 39 967…

Schäuble leaves but Schäuble-ism lives on

By Yanis Varoufakis for DiEM25. Wolfgang Schäuble may have left the finance ministry but his policy for turning the eurozone into an iron cage of austerity that is the very antithesis of a democratic federation, lives on. What is remarkable…

Bernie Sanders is most popular politician in the US – and why Jeremy Corbyn will win in Britain

Canadian author and activist addresses Labour Party convention in the UK by Naomi Klein for Common Dreams The following is the full transcript, via the UK’s Labour List, of Naomi Klein’s speech delivered at the Labour Party’s annual convention on…

Unprecedented Crisis for Puerto Rico

Letter from Elizabeth Yeampierre, Executive Director at UPROSE Mi Gente, I write this note with a heavy heart in this time of unprecedented crisis for Puerto Rico. At the same time, as Executive Director of Brooklyn’s oldest Latino organization, one…

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