

World under threat from “rogue” Trump

By Tony Robinson for DiEM25. US President Donald Trump’s refusal to recertify the Iran Nuclear Deal effectively sets a bomb ticking beneath it. The deal was the product of years of diplomatic moves by the international community to prevent Iran…

Jeremy Corbyn: “Yes, Labour is threatening to destroy the current economic model”

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, speaking at the Cooperative Party Conference last Saturday has touched many important topics about national and international politics. The complete text can be read here. Here are some of the most significant passages of…

Interview with Mary Wareham at the Humanitarian Disarmament Forum

Mary is the founder of the Humanitarian Disarmament Campaign Forum. She gives us a quick historical process of the summit and the objectives of this year’s event in NYC on October 13, 14 and 15 2017

Interview with Tim Wright at the Humanitarian Disarmament Forum

Interview with Tim, Asia-Pacific Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017, recorded at the Humanitarian Disarmament Campaign Forum in NYC on October 14, 2017  @nuclearban @TimMilesWright

China’s Myanmar bonanza without responsibility

As the world’s media continues focusing on the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, its giant neighbour China maintains its aloofness while still fully using the fuel pipelines passing through the trouble-torn Arakan (also known as Rakhine) province of western Burma (former…

Lessons from the front lines of anti-colonial pipeline resistance

By James Rowe and Mike Simpson The Standing Rock standoff over the Dakota Access Pipeline was a reminder that colonization, and resistance to it, both exist in the present tense. Fossil fuel pipelines that despoil indigenous lands and waters have…

Upper caste privilege: from catharsis to change

One seldom hears any of the persons..saying, “Let us do something to change the Touchable Hindu.”- Dr. B. R Ambedkar. “Frankly Prashant, if I weren’t an exceptional student, I would have committed suicide long ago.” His statement chilled my bones;…

At the Core of the NFL & America’s Sickness Lies a Potentially Great Healing

By Jerome Irwin, Beyond the core sickness of America’s cultural and societal life, personified by such illnesses that riddle America’s collective body, like: the .1% who perpetually erode the overall health and well-being of the other 99%; the massive structural…

Trump Puts Israel First With UNESCO Withdrawal

By Ali Abunimah Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy was on full display Thursday when the State Department announced that the United States is withdrawing from UNESCO over the United Nations cultural body’s supposed “anti-Israel bias.” Under President Barack Obama, the US… Interviews Drone Whistleblower Brandon Bryant

Q: How did you end up in the drone program? Brandon: I originally joined to be a SERE instructor (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape). But the Air Force had other designs for me once I completed the military aptitude test.…

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