

Not to be forgotten: refugees still need us

By Aris Telonis for DiEM25. Winter is coming and the most vulnerable populations will experience it the hardest. Especially refugees, who are essentially trapped in misnamed “hotspot” camps throughout the Greek islands, living under cruel conditions with scant medical and…

Czech Republic shifts to the right

The Czech Republic held parliamentary elections last weekend. Members of our DiEM25 local group (DSC) in České Budějovice recommended a vote for the Greens and Pirates, because these parties have been broadly supportive of DiEM25’s programme and activities in the…

The European Parliament is a democratic façade — it needs the right to initiate and pass legislation

We built DiEM25 to crush the authoritarian and anti-democratic dogma of Euro-TINA; that There Is No Alternative to the current version of the EU. Not often does our mission receive support from Brussels, the capital of the ailing EU. But…

Huge march in Berlin “against hatred and racism”

A huge march took place on Sunday in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin to protest against hatred and racism in Parliament, while the recently elected legislators of the nationalist and anti-immigrant party, Alternative For Germany, prepare to take…

Why Martin Luther King’s trip to Tyneside still matters 50 years on

Brian Ward, Northumbria University, Newcastle : The Conversation While controversy about the removal of Confederate memorials in the US rumbles on, in the north-east of England, plans to honour one of the US South’s most famous sons are coming to fruition.…

Austrian Elections: The Crisis of Europe Continues

By Roberto Savio The Austrian elections show clearly that media have given up on contextualising events. To do that, calls for a warning about Europe’s future, as a vehicle of European values is required. Europe has been weakened by all…

Demonstration for the liberation of Cuixart and Sànchez, dignity in front of totalitarianism

By Enric Feliu, Images by Esperanza Fernándes, Daniel Cruz and Krystyna Schreiber “The streets will always be ours”. This is the slogan that resonated on Paseo de Gracia [Barcelona] this afternoon, from the throats of hundreds of thousands of people who…

In Milan, a Demonstration of Solidarity with LGBTQAI persecuted in Egypt

On Wednesday October 18, approximately 60 people gathered in Milan’s central San Babila Square for a demonstration of solidarity organized by Il Grande Colibrì and Coordinamento Arcobaleno. They denounced the Egyptian authorities’ current persecution of sexual minorities and Italy’s sales…

Humanist Club to Celebrate Diwali with Orphans and Mentally Ill People

Madurai, India— Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, is the biggest, brightest and most important holiday of the year. Families light rows of clay lamps outside their homes which symbolize inner light as protection against spiritual darkness. Hindus interpret Diwali…

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

“I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore.” Helen Reddy sang those words in 1972, providing an anthem to the rising women’s movement. Forty-five years later, the song could serve as the score to a movie…

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