

Peru: Pardon of former President Fujimori a ‘slap in the face’ for victims, say UN rights experts

Condemning the pardoning of former President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, a group of United Nations independent human rights experts have said that the move undermines the work of the judiciary and the international community to achieve justice. “It is a…

Another Victory over the Blockade, despite the U.S., in 2017

By Laura Becquer Paseiro* Havana (Prensa Latina) This year, the United States adopted again a stance that was believed to be a thing of the past: it voted at the United Nations against Cuba”s resolution condemning the economic, commercial and…

Tribulations in Catalonia: a wedding and several funerals

Diary of a poor mortal in Catalonia. Saturday, December 23, 2017. Once again we have returned to vote. How good democracy feels! Now all that is missing is that there are no politicians imprisoned or charged for being in favour…

Youth mobilization challenges election fraud in Honduras

By Jeff Abbott December 22, 2017 The anger and frustration in the streets of Honduras following the controversial November 26 presidential election is palpable. Everyone seems to have an opinion about the electoral process, which was marked by accusations of fraud…

Study on Municipalism in Spain for RLS-NYC

By Vicente Rubio-Pueyo, A few months ago, I had the honor of being commissioned by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-NYC Office for writing a study on Municipalism in Spain for their publication series. It was released yesterday and it can be downloaded…

A 2018, Republican Corporate Tax Cut Plan, Future of the World Prediction

By Jerome Irwin It doesn’t take a mystic to look into a crystal ball to realize that America’s new draconian corporate tax cut scam now is not only the greatest financial heist and political con to be committed in recent…

The Right wins in Catalonia, but nationalists will form the government

Franco’s youth wing, Ciudadanos (Citizens), prevailed in the Catalan elections called after the Spanish government dissolved the autonomous government after its unilateral declaration of independence. With a very high turnout of almost 82% of the electorate, Citizens obtained 25.48% of…

The era is decisive

Historical moments are a kind of great ship on which we travel without even realizing it sometimes. They have a decisive direction that it is pointless to try to modify from within the small cabins in which we find ourselves.…

Confederate Statues Removed from Public Parks in Memphis

In Memphis, Tennessee, statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and former Ku Klux Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forrest have been removed following a campaign led by a group called Take ’Em Down 901. On Wednesday night, the Memphis City Council…

Stephen Hawking joins lawsuit aimed at foiling UK’s government NHS shake-up

Stephen Hawking is joining a legal action aimed at questioning yet another set of changes in the NHS [the UK’s National Health Service] which like most previous ones it is feared will lead to greater privatisation and rationing of resources.…

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