

Made in the USA: The Real History of the MS-13 Gang Trump Talked About in State of the Union

During President Trump’s first State of the Union, he called on Congress to pass an immigration overhaul and repeatedly tried to conflate immigrants, including DREAMers, with terrorists and gang members. Among Trump’s guests to the State of the Union were…

Earthquakes from the oil and gas industry are plaguing Oklahoma – here’s a way to reduce them

Thomas Gernon, University of Southampton  for The Conversation “There are better ways we can be doing things,” says Erin Brockovich, the environmental activist portrayed in the Oscar-winning 2000 film, who has become one of the latest people to draw attention…

Fred T. Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution NYC

While Trump spewed divisiveness and bigotry on national TV at the State of the Union address, the Japanese-American community was celebrating a civil liberties hero and NYC communities coming together to fight for civil liberties. Sold out house at NYC…

What’s behind the European Humanist Forum logo? Solidarity, hope, peace, tolerance and creativity

The European Humanist Forum 2018 will take place in Madrid on the 11th, 12th and 13th of May and is an initiative incredibly organised 100% by volunteers who not only have the difficulties of daily life to resolve before applying…

What Military Bashing Teacher Got Right

By David Swanson A high school teacher is no longer teaching, and is receiving threats, because of how he spokeabout the U.S. military. To read the news reports, you’d think that all he said was that people who join the…

Nuclear disarmament: an avalanche of local authority motions for Italy to reconsider

We spoke with Lisa Clark, an Italian pacifist with a great track record, among many other things co-president of the International Peace Bureau; we interviewed her as Italian coordinator for Mayors for Peace, one of the international organizations that are…

French electricity company proposes to close nuclear reactors from 2029

The French electricity generation and distribution company, EDF, today proposed the closure of several nuclear power plants from 2029 onwards as part of a new long-term energy strategy. Speaking to journalists, Philippe Sasseigne, head of the company’s nuclear division, defended…

Cuba ratifies Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Cuba is now on the list of countries that have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and thus demonstrates its commitment to the non-proliferation of such devices. The Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations, Anayansi…

Homeless in America illustrates inequality discussions at Davos

by Dr Arshad M Khan — January 26, 2018 for Countercurrents A few days ago Oxfam reported on wealth inequality: The richest one percent wrapped their hands around 82 percent of the wealth created last year. Worse the 3.7 billion…

British austerity policies lie at heart of soaring homelessness and related health harms, argue experts

Science Daily reports on a British Medical Journal article by Mark Fransham and Danny Dorling at the University of Oxford calling for action on welfare reform and the housing market. “The number of people officially recorded as sleeping on the…

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