

How a GM giant ‘bought control’ of what millions of Londoners read

By JAMES CUSICK and CRINA BOROS 8 February 2018 for openDemocracy (see reference pictures in the original article) The Evening Standard’s lucrative deal with Swiss chemical giant Syngenta shows how commercial giants pay for news – with readers left in the…

Not guilty verdict for 4 campaigners against the London Arms Fair Sep 2017

According to the Newham Recorder four anti-DSEI (Arms Fair) campaigners have been found not guilty by a Magistrates Court. The newspaper article states that “District Judge Hamilton today dismissed the case against the three women and one man accused of…

Behind the Golden Door: The Resilience of Today’s Immigrants

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Emma Lazarus (1883) America, the…

The Fear Driving US Nuclear Strategy

The United States Department of Defense released its latest ‘Nuclear Posture Review 2018’ (NPR) on 2 February, updating the last one issued in 2010 during the previous administration. See ‘Nuclear Posture Review 2018’. The Executive Summary of the NPR is…

Trump attack on the UK NHS: mudding the waters for profit

Trump has used a demo that has just taken place in London demanding proper NHS funding to campaign against universal health coverage in the US. He tweeted “The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching…

Democrats Love George Bush and the FBI Now. What Happened?

By Danielle Ryan Oh, how easily people forget. It would be difficult to find a greater indicator of the fickle nature of politics or the hypocrisy of the party faithful than these two polls. Democrats find Donald Trump so utterly…

Remembering Gene Sharp, a Pioneer of People Power

Gene Sharp, who passed away at the age of 90 on Sunday, was not only a key figure in the development of a whole new field of study devoted to helping people realize their own power, he was a key…

Julian Assange Loses Initial Bid To Overturn British Arrest Warrant

By Mike Head, A judge in London yesterday rejected an application by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to withdraw a British arrest warrant issued against him in 2012. In a judgment full of obvious contradictions, she ruled that way even though…

The problem with teaching ‘British values’ in school

By The Conversation: Carol Vincent, UCL and Myriam Hunter-Henin, UCL Amanda Spielman, head of Ofsted, claims British values are being “actively perverted” by religious extremists. In a recent speech, she suggests extremists are using schools to: Narrow young people’s horizons,…

Love of the Good and Love of Neighbor: Celebrating UN World Interfaith Harmony Week

It was a Saturday afternoon, usually the busiest day of the week in Metro Manila. Streets were jammed as people went about their weekend activities and chores. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a motley group of people braved the traffic…

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