

Colombia strengthens regional economies and promotes cooperation instead of competition

Latin America is emerging as the place to look for alternatives to the neoliberal economic system. In Colombia, the Gustavo Petro led government has spent the last year restructuring the previously isolated sector of small businesses and cooperatives. Petro wants…

Chile: The health of the poor

The health of the poor does not matter to us as a society, not even when we talk about children. We simply do not see the suffering of others. And don’t tell me that it can’t be solved. We could…

BCU Partners with GVS, C&E P.H.I., and WCCI for Community Outreach

Supporting DepEd’s Brigada Pagbasa at Bagnen Elementary School & Gotang Primary School by Genevieve Balance Kupang and Estella “Pacita” Wanden A Joint Initiative Featuring Book Donations, Storytelling, and Cultural Exchanges A literary event at the Bagnen Elementary School and Gotang…

Europe’s agricultural sector rises up against the crisis and reaches Brussels

Emmanuel Macron’s government has been forced to announce new measures in an attempt to defuse protests in the agricultural sector. The pulse of the sector points to the free trade agreement with Mercosur. The agricultural sector is in turmoil in…

Lonko Mauro Millán: “They call us terrorists for defending life”.

“Walking and defending life” is the slogan of the Trawn Itinerant that will travel along the Chubut River, from the Andean source to the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean between 1 and 10 February. The Mapuche Tehuelche people of Patagonia-Wall…

Empty shell after 17 years of pension discussion

The system installed under the dictatorship For those who want to observe the characteristics and main direction of the current pension system, it is a model that obliges workers to save, gathering with this money a fund that goes to…

BCU Empowers Scholars Through AI-Powered Tools:  Towards Writing and Publication Success

by Michael Tomas Sebullen and Genevieve B. Kupang Catalyzing Global Excellence Towards Research Writing and Publication  In a landmark event organized by the Graduate School and the Research and Development Office, unfolding at the Baguio Central University Function Hall on January…

Fossil Fuel Industry Was Aware of Climate Threats as Early as 1954, New Documents Reveal

Newly discovered documents confirm that the petroleum and automobile industries funded the early climate science of Charles David Keeling at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) from 1954 to 1956. Keeling became known for the “Keeling Curve,” which demonstrated the upward trajectory of…

What is twenty-seven thousand people?

It is different to think “abstractly” of twenty-seven thousand people, as if it were just another conceptual datum, a quantity, a price, a distance…. than to represent twenty-seven thousand human beings, each one with his or her very particular characteristics,…

Activists Shut Down D.C. Streets, Canada’s Port of Vancouver to Demand an End to Genocide Funding

Activists shut down at least a half-dozen major roads in Washington, D.C., during Thursday morning rush hour and marched through the streets to demand an end to U.S. military support for Israel. Police arrested roughly two dozen protesters. Protester: “War…

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