

Informer Reveals Selectivity of Lava Jato Operation in Lula’s Case

Brasilia, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) The informer Fernando Migliaccio, an ex-executive with the company Odebrecht, revealed the selectivity of the anti-corruption operation Lava Jato in the case of former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the digital newspaper Brasil 247…

Europe’s big Plans for Iran Trade announce Independence from Trump’s Washington

France, Belgium, Italy and other European countries are setting up state-backed Euro-denominated investment and trade pipelines that avoid US currency and banks. Italy alone is planning to invest $5 bn in Iran. By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | Feb. 26, 2018…

Sociopathy Compounded by Stupidity Shows the Way Forward!

By David Swanson The Charlottesville Daily Progress has published a version of an editorial by the Richmond Times Dispatch that points the way to peace and prosperity! It begins: “When it comes to federal defense spending, Virginia ranks No. 1. Defense dollars account for one-third of…

China: It’s Official – Xi Jinping Aims To Be “Dictator For Life”

By China Worker Lifting of presidential term limits plunges China and its autocratic regime into unchartered territory The news from Beijing is historic – nothing less than a political earthquake with repercussions around the world. At its upcoming “parliamentary session” (the…

As Students Demand Gun Control, Arms Manufacturers Continue Targeting “Next Generation of Shooters”

“Even As a Student Movement Rises, Gun Manufacturers Are Targeting Young People” In Parkland, Florida, students returned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Sunday afternoon for the first time inside their school since February 14, when a 19-year-old former…

Strategy of tension: Italy 70s? No, U.S.A. 2000s!

Too many massacres are known in advance of the actual event. The media dismisses those who ask the obvious questions as conspiracy kooks. Instead, once again we get a pre-prepared story. Many Americans are so brainwashed and so gullible that they are…

Manicani Residents Reclaim Former Mine Sites; Call for Immediate and Full Rehabilitation of the island

  Manicani, Eastern Samar – Around 38 members including women and children of the Protect Manicani Island Society, Inc. (PROMISI) coming from the 4 Baranggays of Manicani Island converged near the foot of nickel ore stockpiles in Brgy. Buenavista of…

A Call for Investigation on the Flooding in Cantilan and Carrascal, Surigao del Sure

The recent tropical storm, Basyang, that hit Surigao del Sur last February 13, 2018, drew urgent concern from Bishop Nereo Odchimar of the Diocese of Tandag. In a recently released pastoral letter, the Bishop highlighted the “untold suffering among the…

The Venezuelan “Petro” – Towards A New World Reserve Currency?

By Peter Koenig As this article goes to print, Globovision TV quotes Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announcing the launch of a new cryptocurrency, the “Petro Oro”. It will be backed by precious metals. The launch of the new cryptomoney is…

Next Stage Of Net Neutrality Conflict Begins

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers On Thursday, the FCC’s net neutrality rule was published in the Federal Register. This was the official start of the next phase of the campaign to protect the open Internet as a common carrier…

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