

Blame for the Salisbury poison attack: Where is the evidence?

The nerve agent attack on the former Soviet double agent Skripal and his daughter on British soil has reached unimagined proportions: the culprit is quickly identified by Western governments and media: it must have been Russia, because the nerve poison…

A Forward Stride Amidst Long Years of Struggle to Defend Island Homes

As the world celebrated International Women’s Day, respondents to a civil case filed by a mining company against the environmental defenders of Canawayon in the island of Homonhon in Eastern Samar and the entire membership of the Homonhon Environmental Rescuers…

How Facebook data was used to influence US elections (and Brexit?)

New reports reveal how pro-Trump firm Cambridge Analytica ‘exploited’ Facebook to harvest data of 50 million users “This story is a devastating tale of how personal data and massive, unaccountable technology platforms combined with malevolent political interests to subvert the…

Help funding a film on the 86 year-old Survivor of Hiroshima, Nobel Laureate

Setsuko Thurlow has become the world’s most powerful voice describing the atrocities and human consequences of an atomic bomb explosion. After surviving that horrific devastation, she committed her life to ridding the world of nuclear weapons for all of us.…

Jeremy Corbyn and other voices of reason over the UK nerve gas incident

A Russian father, former double spy convicted in Russia and exchanged by Britain for other spies, and his daughter were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury. Preliminary assessment suggests a nerve gas agent. The government has jumped to accuse…

Of A Type Developed By Liars

by Craig Murray, 16/3/18. originally posted here I have now received confirmation from a well placed FCO source that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve agent as being of Russian manufacture, and have been resentful of…

Teaching students how to dissent is part of democracy

Teaching children how to dissent in response to a violent situation that they feel threatens their well-being is aligned with the purposes of democratic schooling. Indeed, a flourishing democracy depends on such an informed and active citizenry who will speak…

1 Million Students Walk Out of 3,000+ Schools to Protest Gun Violence

In a historic day of action, more than a million students from over 3,000 schools walked out of classes to protest gun violence on Wednesday. Walkouts occurred in all 50 states as well as some overseas. In Littleton, Colorado, hundreds…

China Becomes World’s Fifth Largest Arms Exporter

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali China has become the world’s fifth-largest arms exporter, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). China replaces Britain in the top five arms-dealing countries between 2008 and 2012, a group dominated by the United…

Russia, Russia, Russia: America’s Theater of the Absurd

By Gary Corseri The recent article, linked-to below, by columnist Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone, covers a lot of ground; with thoroughness, wit and clear thinking. Mostly, Taibbi pinpoints how much trouble and confusion we’ve managed to create for ourselves…

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