

Venezuela becomes 7th country to ban nuclear weapons

Following last week’s announcement from Palestine, Venezuela this week joined six other ratifying countries in formally endorsing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. A statement released by the Venezuelan Ministry of Communication said, “On Tuesday, the Permanent Representative…

The March for Our Lives in Pictures: demonstrators mourn those lost to gun violence and condemn complicit politicians

“Who here is going to vote in the 2018 election? If you listen real close, you can hear the people in power shaking.” by Julia Conley, staff writer for Common Dreams (watch the videos here) Taking the stage on the…

Google, Facebook, Algorithms, And The Building of the Iron Wall

By Chris Hedges Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, along with 18 members of the House of Representatives—15 Republicans and three Democrats—has sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions demanding that the Qatari-run Al-Jazeera television network register as a foreign…

The Geopolitics of Targeting Russia

By Chandra Muzaffar, The escalation of tensions between the United States, Britain and France, on the one hand, and Russia, on the other, should not surprise anyone. In the last few years, the US leadership and mainstream British media have…

‘Doklam belongs to China, India should have learnt from last year’s standoff’

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali China on Monday (March 26) asserted that Doklam belongs to it and India should have learnt lessons from the stand-off last year. Reacting to India’s Ambassador to China Gautam Bambawale’s remarks blaming China for the stand-off,Chinese…

Italy, Germany and the EU’s Future

The once powerful center-left went down to defeat. As it accommodated to capital, it eroded its trade union base. It bailed out banks and financial speculators, while inflicting ruinous austerity measures on their own populations to pay for it. When center-left…

Palestine becomes the sixth country to ratify the Treaty on the Probibition of Nuclear Weapons

According to the Palestine Press office in Italy, and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), on the 23rd of March Palestine became the 6th country to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, approved last year…

Tomás Hirsch participates in the march for Memory, Truth and Justice in Buenos Aires

After meeting yesterday at Instituto Patria, in Buenos Aires, with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, where they had the opportunity to exchange views on the political, economic and social moment and to listen to her analysis of the type of state…

The U.S. War in Iraq: 15 Years and Counting… the Dead and Displaced

Fifteen years have passed since President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and a coterie of neoconservatives, enabled by mainstream media cheerleaders, launched the invasion of Iraq with a murderous bombardment of Baghdad they branded “shock and awe.” Far…

Rewriting Indian history in the image of Hindu chauvinists

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali The Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha, a right wing Hindu nationalist political party in the Northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, released a Hindu New Year calendar which says that Taj Mahal along with several mosques and…

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