

Foreign and ‘alt-right’ activists target Irish voters on Facebook ahead of abortion referendum

By Claire Provost for openDemocracy Foreign and ‘alt-right’ activists are among those that have targeted Irish voters on Facebook ahead of next month’s historic referendum on abortion rights. Under Irish law, foreign citizens and groups are not allowed to make donations…

Protecting bees – EU set to completely ban outdoor use of pesticides harmful to bees

Press Releqse, 27 April 2018 Source: European Commission Today, Member States’ representatives in a Standing Committee have backed a proposal by the European Commission to further restrict the use of three active substances (imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam, known as “neonicotinoids”) for…

We Don’t Have Any Time Left

By Naomi Klein Our planet is radically changing and this requires a radical rethink by all of us. It requires an economic, social and environmental revolution. Each day we delay bold climate action, sea levels continue to rise, forests continue…

The Decline and Fall of the State Department

By David Swanson Ronan Farrow’s book War on Peace: The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Influence recounts episodes from the Obama-Trump militarization of U.S. foreign policy. While the book begins with and has been marketed with the story of…

A Piece of World Peace History In-The-Making

By Jan Oberg Please watch the video below carefully. You’ll see what could – could, and most likely will – become a piece of world peace history. Note the body language of the two leaders – warm smiles and long…

Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula

During this momentous period of historical transformation on the Korean Peninsula, reflecting the enduring aspiration of the Korean people for peace, prosperity and unification, President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea and Chairman Kim Jong-un of the State Affairs…

Hostile environment: the UK government’s draconian immigration policy explained

Erica Consterdine, University of Sussex for The Conversation Immigration policy under Theresa May’s tenure might be the most draconian in Britain’s history. Never has an administration focused so much time and effort on an anti-migration policy – and one that…

Germany’s Refusal to Join the Latest US-Led Missile Strikes on Syria

“The major left party concluded that the US-led missile strikes violated international law”. by Ann Garrison Originally posted on Black Agenda Report, April 25, 2018 Germany did not join the US, UK, and France in the latest missile strikes in…

Arrest, Deportation of Sister Patricia Fox and International Support Groups Worries Social Development and Advocacy Networks

The Philippine Misereor Partnership, Inc. (PMPI), a social development and advocacy network pushing for peace and development, expresses concern over the series of arrests aimed at limiting the engagement of international partners and solidarity groups with the Filipino community. April…

Albert Einstein: Israel Freedom Party closely akin to Nazi-Fascism

by Ramzi Baroud First published on Counterpunch, 25/4/2018   Albert Einstein, along with other Jewish luminaries, including Hannah Arendt, published a letter in the New York Times on December 4, 1948. That was only a few months after Israel had…

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