

We have to unite because the enemy is always united

Daniel Cruz is a specialist in Communications, European activist, trade unionist, member of DiEM25 in the local group in Barcelona and Pressenza collaborator. He took part in the European Humanist Forum, recently held in Madrid, as a speaker at the…

Warning against ‘Return to rhetoric of Nuclear Annihilation,’ Koreans and Anti-War voices demand Trump resume Peace Talks

“You can’t imagine rooting for peace for so long and then see it being taken away.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer For Common Dreams Refusing to let a chance to achieve lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula slip away and warning…

The Brexit likely side effects they did not tell you about

In the post-truth/fake news era nobody gets surprised that a dirty tricks campaign for Brexit resulted in a number of threats now facing the UK´s new trade deals. Here are just some of them: Revealed: rightwing groups plot to ditch…

LANDSLIDE: ‘Quiet Revolution’ as Ireland ends abortion ban

by Common Dreams staff  Ireland, one of Europe’s most socially conservative countries, has voted by a landslide to liberalize the world’s most restrictive abortion laws. Votes are still being counted Saturday but both sides agree with exit polls showing a…

Africa: a history to rediscover 

Valentin Mufila, musician and artistic director of the multicultural social cooperative Ballafon in Varese, Italy, is also a passionate connoisseur of African history. This history has been erased by colonialism to justify atrocities and the systematic pillaging of the African people’s…

Homage to Silo: Thinking and works

In few minutes we will try to give an overview of Silo’s thought expressed through his books, lectures, interviews and talks that he has tirelessly given over the past 50 years. His production is extensive and deals in depth with…

Jeremy Corbyn in Belfast: Irish peace

‘This week marks twenty years since the Good Friday Agreement referendum. “Yesterday, I spoke at Queen’s University, Belfast, about the need to revive the spirit of the Agreement and prevent the return to a hard border, to protect peace and…

500 years is long enough! Human Depravity in the Congo

By Robert J. Burrowes I would like to tell you something about human depravity and illustrate just how widespread it is among those we often regard as ‘responsible’. I am going to use the Democratic Republic of the Congo as…

[UK] Enough of Carillion culture. Make bosses pay for the carnage they cause

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Here’s how to tame corporate power, and prevent ruthless executives from enriching themselves by harming us Once more, they walk away. Like those at RBS, Northern Rock and a host of other corporate zombies, senior…

The Flat Tax: Stealing from the middle class to give to the rich?

In most parts of the world and also in Italy there is a progressive tax system. Progressive because the rate increases with increasing income: if I earn 1000 I pay 10 but if I earn 10000 I don’t pay 100…

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