

Argentina: Life before debt

Jubilee South/Americas expresses solidarity with the people of Argentina Jubilee South/Americas expresses its solidarity and support to the people of Argentina, we join the rejection of the economic adjustment, as well as the reforms promoted by the newly elected president…

Saudi Arabia refuses to normalize relations with Israel without an independent Palestinian state

Saudi Arabia told the US that it will not resume diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders is recognized, the Arab country’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday. “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s position has…

TEPCO confirms leak of 5.5 tonnes of radioactive water from Fukushima nuclear power plant

Approximately 5.5 tonnes of water contaminated with radioactive materials have leaked from equipment at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, local media reported Wednesday. At around 08:53 local time on Wednesday, workers discovered a water leak at the outlet of…

Disgraceful living conditions in the ‘state-of-the-art’ Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) of Samos

According to refugee testimonies and information from organisations active in the field, disgraceful living conditions prevail in the overcrowded Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) in Samos, whose construction was 100% financed by the European Union. As we highlight in the…

France and the anger of the countryside

The impact of inflation, low wages, unfair competition, bureaucracy, income inequality and European environmental standards that they describe as too severe were at the centre of the complaints from the second half of January to the beginning of February, mobilisations…

Humanists in Bangladesh get the 3rd World March for Peace and Non-Violence Moving Forward

Feb 6, 2024. Members of the 3rd World March core team in Bangladesh invited Pressenza and some foreign observers to a virtual meeting as they discussed their plans for the 3rd World March for Peace and Non-violence in Bangladesh. It was a…

How Long Has Humanity Been at War With Itself?

Is large-scale intra-specific warfare Homo sapiens’ condition or can our species strive to achieve global peace? By Deborah Barsky The famous American astronomer Carl Sagan once said, “You have to know the past to understand the present.” But can we ever know the…

Migrations and solutions

I postulate that nobody initially wants to leave their countries, homes, customs, and families. Man is a social and gregarious animal and the bonds that are generated with those close to him, nuclear family and close friends, is a union…

On Saturday, February 10, at 1pm solidarity demonstration with refuser Tal Mitnick outside military prison

Mesarvot Network and Yesh Gvul will hold a solidarity demonstration with Israeli conscientious objector Tal Mitnick, who has spent more than 40 days in military prison for refusing to enlist in the Israeli army and take part in the war…

Professor Dire Tladi sworn in as ICJ judge

Professor Dire Tladi was elected by the United Nations to serve as an ICJ judge. He’s the first South African to be a permanent judge at the court. Dire Tladi is a professor of international law at the Department of…

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