

The South Indian State of Kerala Shows the Way By Embracing Migrant Workers

By Shastri Ramachandaran* NEW DELHI (IDN) – By any yardstick of human and social development, Kerala in South India is ahead of most Indian states. It provides social security to all sections of employees and workers through schemes that are…

How Four Words Changed History

Q: “And babies?” A: “And babies.” These four words, broadcast by CBS News in 1969, had a profound impact on the American public, the Nixon presidency and the course of the Vietnam War. Questions about babies have arisen again at…

The real reason Saudi Arabia lifted its ban on women driving: economic necessity

Martin Hvidt, University of Southern Denmark for The Conversation After years of campaigning by women activists, on June 24 the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia will be lifted. It is the most visible of a bundle of recent…

Anti-Brexit protest: 100,000, perhaps many more, demand a say

The People’s Vote demonstration in London culminated with speeches in Parliament Square.  On the second anniversary of the EU referendum and following public awareness of lies, manipulation and interference from economic and political interests via social media during the pro-Brexit…

Children as bargaining chips for dehumanization

The Latin American women who make up Convergence of Cultures* are outraged at the application of the U.S. law that criminalises immigrants and their families, and that criminalises immigrant mothers and children in particular. Finally, it criminalises the basic right…

Political figures support Beatrice Fihn of ICAN – Nobel Peace Prize 2017

Dozens of elected officials from various political groups have signed a document in support of ICAN’s campaign to promote the entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The executive director of ICAN, Beatrice Fihn,…

Hungarian government marks world refugee day by passing law to jail helpers

We publish here the press release from the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, a non-governmental watchdog organisation that protects human dignity and the rule of law through legal and public advocacy methods. Budapest, 20 June 2018 — On World Refugee Day the…

Romania: a nightmare of human rights and the EU turns a blind eye

Eleven years after joining the European Union, Romania is trying to clean itself up, but poverty and corruption are still in control. Only Bulgaria, among EU member states, is below Romania on the poverty scale. Right in the centre of…

ICAN Italy coordination body established

In a meeting held at the International Women’s House, Rome at the invitation of WILPF Italy, the ICAN Italy coordination body was established with the text below. The coordination body has been equipped with an e-mail list and is setting…

Trump Signs Executive Order to Jail Immigrant Families Together, Without Limit

President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday claiming to end the separation of children from their parents at the border, by jailing them together while their legal cases wind through the courts. The order does not say where the families…

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