

#MeToo campaign for Sudanese teen highlights the need to end Western saviorism

By Erin Mazursky On June 27, Sudanese activists and the global human rights community declared victory when a 19-year old Sudanese woman, Noura Hussein, was spared the death penalty. She was instead sentenced to a five-year prison sentence for murdering her…

Truly Project Hate: the third scandal of the official Vote Leave campaign headed by Boris Johnson

By  MARTIN SHAW 30 August 2018 for openDemocracy Look at the Vote Leave Facebook adverts alongside their more public propaganda, and you see quite how much it promoted racist ideas. Boris Johnson’s weaponisation of the burqa came on the heels…

WCHS Fourth National Talent Competition Now Ongoing

For the past three years, the World Centre for Humanist Studies, Mumbai Center, has been organizing national talent competitions among schools, encouraging students to reflect on the different dimensions of Universalist Humanism and express their insights in creative ways. Throughout…

Russia denounces the diarchy at the heart of the UNO and the USA

by Thierry Meyssan The Western powers are moving inexorably towards Internet censorship, thereby facilitating the dissemination of propaganda and war indoctrination in their countries. In this context, an extremely violent tension is tearing apart the international scene. Aware of the increasing…

Lula Could Achieve Historic Victory in First Round of Elections

Brasilia, Aug 29 (Prensa Latina) Political prisoner for 145 days today, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is in conditions to achieve historic victory in the first round of presidential elections scheduled for next October 7.   If elections were held…

Sanders vs. Amazon Intensifies as Senator Stands With Struggling Workers Against World’s Richest Man

“No one working for a man who earns $260 million a day should be forced to sleep in their car. Yet that is what’s happening at Amazon.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams After Amazon issued a rare blog…

Germany seeks Independence from the US$

by Paul Craig Roberts, 28/08/2018. Germany’s Foreign Minister Says Sovereignty Requires Independence from Washington: “Europe no longer wants to be a vassal state to US monopoly over global payments, and will now aggressively pursue its own “Swift” network that is…

Moni Ovadia: accusing those who criticise Israel’s politics of anti-Semitism is shameful

Moni Ovadia is an Italian theatre actor, musician, singer and author. He has long been engaged in the search for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which earned him the Premio Colombe for Peace in 2005; we asked him for…

Cultures of Death: Pope Francis, Apology and Child Abuse

By Dr Binoy Kampmark It was long overdue, but Pope Francis’s letter of condemnation and apology regarding the abuse of children by Catholic priests did sent a few ripples of comfort and reckoning.  He conceded that the Church “showed no care for…

Face 2 Face with Jessica Ramos

On this show we speak with Jessica Ramos, candidate for New York State Senate in Queens District 13. Jessica speaks about what motivated her to run and gives us an overview of the political landscape at the state level for…

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