

Germany’s heated asylum debate has dark parallels to events 30 years ago

Constantin Eckner, University of St Andrews for The Conversation It was a moment that has defined Angel Merkel’s chancellorship of Germany ever since. In early September 2015, she allowed thousands of refugees fleeing violence in Syria and Iraq to enter…

How Afghanistan’s peace movement is winning hearts and minds

By Roshni Kapur September 13, 2018 In May 2018, a group of seven Afghans in the mostly Taliban controlled province of Helmand set off on a more than 370-mile peace journey to the capital city, Kabul, sparking a nationwide movement. Residents of…

Central Banks Have Gone Rogue, Putting Us All at Risk

by Ellen Brown, originally posted on Truthdig, Sept. 13, 2018   Excluding institutions such as Blackrock and Vanguard, which are composed of multiple investors, the largest single players in global equity markets are now thought to be central banks themselves. An…

Hungary: Illiberal Democracy fails in the European Parliament

By triggering the Article 7 procedure, the European Parliament has made it clear that illiberal democracy is against the core values of the European Union. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee welcomes that the EP has validated, with a two-third majority, the…

17 years after 9/11, Al-Qaeda rebranded by US government & media as besieged rebels

from Russia Today, 12/09/2018 Seventeen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the US government and media outlets have decided that Al-Qaeda is now a rebel group worthy of our sympathy. The cynical narrative change is par for the course, experts…

Venezuelan FM Denounces Economic Siege to UN Special Rapporteur

Caracas, Sep 11 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza met today with UN Special Rapporteur Idriss Jazairy,as part of his working agenda at the 39th session of the Human Rights Council. During the meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, Arreaza…

Platform parties vs plutocrat PR: welcome to the future of UK politics

By ADAM RAMSAY 10 September 2018 for openDemocracy Deserted by members, right-wing parties serve the rich, while people have flocked to centre and left alternatives, only to be smeared as “dogs” and “Trots”. The SNP has more members than the Conservatives.…

September 11th in Chile

This morning I was with Deputy Karol Cariola in an emblematic place located in my district, in the commune of Peñalolén. A place that remembers the worst of what was [Pinochet’s] Dictatorship. A place that should have always been a…

Leave Syria the Hell Alone

By David Swanson Last weekend I was on Iranian TV being asked about the meeting in Tehran at which the presidents of Iran and Russia had refused to agree with the President of Turkey to stop bombing people in Syria.…

The Global War On Terror – Another predictable fiasco turns 17

By Jan Oberg – September 11, 2018 Today marks the 17th anniversary of what could be called the most counter-productive, if not stupid, war in modern history: The Global War On Terror, GWOT. Today that war is much much more dangerous to…

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