

Fascistic candidate Jair Bolsonaro places first in Brazilian presidential election

By Miguel Andrade The Brazilian general elections held on Sunday resulted in the most right-wing Congress since the end of the 1964-1985 US-backed military dictatorship and gave the fascistic former Army reserve captain Jair Bolsonaro a wide lead in the…

The Truth About Christopher Columbus

Today, Christopher Columbus is celebrated as a mythical hero by some – complete with songs, poems, and fictional tales about his great adventure across the Atlantic to explore the majestic land that would eventually be known as the Americas. There…

“The body is the placenta of the spirit” The art of accompanying, in Paris

03.10.2018 – Cloty Rubio The Art of Accompanying is presented in Paris Last Saturday 29th we had the immense pleasure of attending the presentation of the book The Art of Accompanying in the Park of Study and Reflection La Belle…

Women Demand Justice, Not Kavanaugh

As President Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court seemed to be reaching a controversial conclusion last week, a remarkable encounter took place on live television. Two women confronted a senator and changed the course of…

Why California residents want public banks

By Zoe Sullivan1, reproduced from Public Banking Institute, Sept. 04, 2018   Ten years after the most recent financial crisis, some argue we have learned nothing, but a movement across the country to establish public banksshows how some have taken its…

PMPI Statement: Serving the Poor is not Communism

We are not surprised, but very much concerned about the recent lies peddled by a Facebook page tagging Sister Susan Bolanio as among the enemies of the State, associating her with the communists. Time and again, people helping communities…

End of Hegemony: UN Must Reflect Changing World Order

By Dr Ramzy Baroud There is a rational explanation of why India and Brazil, two countries with vast populations and large and growing economies, are not permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The Council – made up…

Dhaka University Students Mark International Day of Non-Violence

As reported by Nazrul Jashim of The Humanist Movement, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  Santi sokti abong anondo! Peace force and joy from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirty students from the different departments of Dhaka University and 12 members of the community from neighborhoods gathered…

Europe: Save Mediterranean Rescue Ship

European leaders should act quickly to help the Aquarius, the last nongovernmental search and rescue ship operating in the Mediterranean, register after its flag was withdrawn by Panamanian authorities, five international rights organizations said today in an open letter. The letter was…

Kavanaugh Is The Wrong Nominee For Our Times

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers The Kavanaugh confirmation process has been a missed opportunity for the United States to face up to many urgent issues on which the bi-partisans in Washington, DC are united and wrong. Kavanaugh’s career as…

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