

NATO: too many women?

Out of 29 NATO member states, 9 Defence Ministers are women: 9 to 20, almost 1 female minister every 2 male ministers. Statistical analysis demonstrates that this ratio is significantly greater than that recorded in all the other ministries of…

EU versus Tanzania: the cultural paradox

The official declaration by Federica Mogherini, head of the EU diplomacy, is known. The facts behind those statements are less clear. The interpretation probably most close to the factual reality is offered by Ansbert Ngurumo in Sauti Kubwa, Nov 2,…

Capitalism must be turned inside out

By Hadrien Coumans Capitalism hasn’t evolved since 1609 when the corporate and destructive Dutch West India Company arrived in Manhattan to colonize and then built the wall to keep the Lenape out, which Wall Street was named after. The only…

US military, border police attack asylum seekers at US-Mexico border

By Eric London A combined force of the US military and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) pointed assault rifles and fired tear gas, rubber bullets and flash bang grenades at impoverished workers and their families on Sunday. The crowd, which…

U.S. Border Patrol Fires Tear Gas at Families Seeking Asylum

In Tijuana, Mexico, U.S. border patrol officers fired tear gas Sunday into a crowd of desperate Central American asylum seekers as they tried to push their way through the heavily militarized border with the United States. Among those attacked were…

UN criticises UK austerity induced poverty…so…mission accomplished?

“The UK government has inflicted “great misery” on its people with “punitive, mean-spirited, and often callous” austerity policies driven by a political desire to undertake social re-engineering rather than economic necessity, the United Nations poverty envoy has found. “Philip Alston,…

Freshwater Is Disappearing. Can Technology Save Us?

By Anna Kucirkova Fresh water is the most important resource for human life on earth. People can survive far longer without food than without water, and virtually all of our food sources require fresh water to grow or create. Global…

Staunch EU critic Yanis Varoufakis to run in European election — in Germany

The ex-Greek finance minister, who opposed deep austerity imposed by Brussels and Berlin, is to stand in the European elections next year. Announcing the run, Varoufakis said it was time for a European Spring. Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has…

Unconditional Basic Income Europe network meets in Budapest for a public conference and workshops among its members

In Budapest, a conference and workshops on the topic of unconditional basic income, organised by UBIE and its partners in Hungary, took place on the weekend of 23-25 November. At the conference on Friday 25th, experts, politicians and specialists spoke…

Basic Income in the European Elections: an interview with Dániel Fehér

On Friday the 23rd of November a public conference took place at the Hungarian Institute of Political History in Budapest, hosted by the First Hungarian Unconditional Basic Income Association together with the Progressive Hungary Foundation and bringing together members of…

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