

The Rise of the Vanguard: Microsoft Workers Protest the Use of Their Products in War

By Mary Metzger The 21st Century may well mark the end of capitalism as we know it. The groundwork for the revolutionary transformation of the social and economic relations of the capitalist mode of production are already in place and…

South Africa: from nuclear armed state to disarmament hero

Today, the only country that went from developing its own nuclear arsenal to dismantling it and being an outspoken advocate against these weapons of mass destruction, took another critical step towards a nuclear-weapons-free-world: in the halls of the UN HQ in New York, South Africa…

NGOs organize a big party for Peace

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is coming to Washington DC. on April 4 to mark its 70th birthday. Instead of celebrating NATO’s anniversary, a growing coalition of individuals and organizations is throwing a peace fest to unwelcome the arrival…

QE Forever: The Fed’s Dramatic About-face

by Ellen Brown, February 21, 2019 The original article may be found here “Quantitative easing” was supposed to be an emergency measure. The Federal Reserve “eased” shrinkage in the money supply due to the 2008-09 credit crisis by pumping out trillions…

How can we move forward after the US withdrawal from the Iran deal?

by Zain Hussain for BASIC*. The Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPoA) is an international agreement restricting Iran’s nuclear programme, chiefly its uranium production and stockpile capacity and its heavy water reactor and production facilities. In response to Iranian compliance, it…

As Trump Pushes for Overthrow in Venezuela, Sanders Warns Against Repeating History’s Mistake

“The United States has a very bad record of intervening in Latin American countries and that must not happen again,” said Sanders. “The future of Venezuela must be left to the Venezuelan people.” by Jon Queally, staff  for Common Dreams Progressive…

No War on Venezuela! March on Wall Street

#23Feb actions have been called across the country and across the globe. Full list here: We cannot be silent in the face of the latest U.S. aggression against the Venezuelan people. Nicolás Maduro is the president of the Bolivarian…

The Triumphant Homecoming of Angela Davis

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” Martin Luther King Jr. wrote in his Letter From Birmingham Jail on April 16, 1963. King was arrested there for his role in organizing nonviolent protests against segregation, which were being led…

Dialogue with Tomás Hirsch / Chile: a deeply inhuman system

“The Chilean model, which is presented abroad as the greatest success of neoliberalism, presents a very different reality for millions of Chilean families,” said Tomás Hirsch, deputy of the Chilean Humanist Party (Frente Amplio), in an interview with ALAI.  This…

Supreme Court of India Orders Forced Eviction of 1 Million Adivasis

The Supreme Court of India has ordered the forced eviction of more than one million Adivasi and other forest-dwelling households from forestlands across 16 states after the government failed to defend a law protecting their rights. The final country-wide numbers…

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