

Julian Assange: a sense of the reaction in Quito, Ecuador

Today, Quito woke up as cold as usual, but that was not the first thing that Ecuadorians noticed when their alarms went off.  At 5 a.m., Ecuadorian time, President Lenín Moreno announced to everyone that the country was to stop…

While Much of US Media Plays Along, Critics Warn Assange Indictment an ‘Obvious’ Ploy With Deeper Dangers

“This precedent means that any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the United States for having published truthful information about the U.S.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday indicted WikiLeaks founder Julian…

Jeremy Corbyn Wants An Apology. Theresa May Would Not Apologize. I Want Apology and Reparation.

By Partha Banerjee One Hundred Years of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre by the British Tyrants. Why does it matter today? On April 13, 1919, on the auspicious New Year’s Day, British military under Gen. Reginald Dyer opened fire on a nonviolent…

Julian Assange arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy

“Julian Assange has been arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder was granted refuge in 2012 while on bail in the UK over sexual assault allegations against him in Sweden. “At the time, Assange claimed that…

Greece in Denial About Police Detention of Lone Kids

Athens Fails to Act on European Court Ruling Against Detaining Migrant Kids By Eva Cossé The European Court of Human Rights recently confirmed what many have long known: that Greece’s practice of locking up unaccompanied migrant and asylum-seeking children in…

Otpor! leader’s new campaign manual shows strategy is for everyone

Ivan Marovic’s new book on how to plan campaigns is an excellent resource for improving the strategic wisdom of our movements. By Rivera Sun Today in the United States, activists and community members are facing scores of pressing social justice…

The addiction to militarism spells the end of the US as we know it

By Jan Oberg A major economic factor behind the relative decline of the US is one hardly ever mentioned, at least not in the Western mainstream circles: Militarism. The US is militarizing itself to death.  Instead, we get a constant…

Neoliberalism promised freedom – instead it delivers stifling control

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Creeping privatisation is rolling back the state to create a new, absolutist bureaucracy that destroys efficiency.  My life was saved last year by the Churchill Hospital in Oxford, through a skilful procedure to remove…

#NeverForget Brazil mustn’t forgive the crimes of the dictatorship

OpenDemocracy/democraciaAbierta Brazil is currently experiencing drastic polarisation, exacerbated by the commemoration of the military coup of 1964 celebrated by the army and the far-right, and promoted by president Bolsonaro. Brazil is currently experiencing drastic polarisation, exacerbated by the commemoration of…

Mexico To Spain And Vatican: Apologize For Your Crimes!

By Andre Vltchek Several years ago, the renowned linguist and thinker, Noam Chomsky, asked me, point blank, as we were working on our book:“On Western Terrorism – From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare”: “Do you think it is possible that most…

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