

Chile: Congressman Hirsch presents project against war

Today, Tuesday, October 15, Humanist Congressman Tomás Hirsch will present, together with Congressmen Labra (PC), Fernández (PS), Marzán (PPD), Mirosevic (PL), Boric (Conv) and Girardi (PPD) a constitutional reform project that seeks to make Chile renounce war as a method…

People’s protest in Ecuador compels Moreno government to drop IMF’s prescription of neo-liberal measure

By Countercurrents Collective United Nations-backed dialogue between the right wing Lenin Moreno’s government and leaders of protesting people including indigenous people’s organizations reached a deal Sunday to revoke pro-International Monetary Fund (IMF) Decree 883, end strikes across the country, and…

“We’re Still Here”: Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration Reflects Ongoing Resistance to Colonization

Christopher Columbus arrived in the Bahamas 527 years ago this week, unleashing a brutal genocide that killed tens of millions of Native people across the hemisphere. Cities and states across the country are acknowledging this devastating history by rejecting the…

Spanish nationalism loses the plot

The English nationalism unleashed by Brexit is not the same as the Spanish nationalism unleashed by the Catalan crisis. Not yet. Ignasi Bernat and David Whyte for openDemocracy 14 October 2019 Imagine if what just happened in Spain, happened here. Imagine…

Ecuador: Brief notes after the dialogues between President Moreno and CONAIE

Ecuadorian President Lenin Boltaire Moreno insists that the mobilisations against the “Paquetazo” [raft of austerity measures decreed by the government] were encouraged from the political sector that responds to former President Rafael Correa, in this way he can continue with…

Ecuador: nonviolent sounds and gestures close the tenth day of protests

Ecuador: nonviolent sounds and gestures, Once declared the curfew from 3pm in Quito, capital of Ecuador, the action of the public force was maintained with force until the end of the afternoon, especially in the vicinity of the House of…

Historic protests and today’s politics give hope for Extinction Rebellion

The Greenham Common peace camp and other 1980s anti-nuclear activists made a real difference – now a stronger tide is with the climate protestors. Paul Rogers for openDemocracy This week’s Extinction Rebellion actions in London have produced some notable headlines,…

New education system was central to the Kurds’ Rojava Revolution in northern Syria – now it’s under attack

Elise Boyle Espinosa, University of Aberdeen For The Conversation Kobanî, in the de facto autonomous region of northern Syria known as Rojava, was at the forefront of the battle against Islamic State (IS) back in 2014. With the aid of…

Achieving the Possible

 A Lesson from Two, Middle East, Antinuclear Activists By Jhon Sánchez I always had asked myself what I can do to abolish nuclear weapons. The feeling of powerlessness sets on me. I’m not a diplomat, nor a head of state,…

Hi, I’m Jane Fonda and let’s do this!

Inspired by the Swedish student, Greta Thunberg, the student strikers and Naomi Klein’s new book “On Fire: The Burning Case for the Green New Deal,” I have decided to upend my life, leave my comfort zone and move to Washington,…

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