

New York Dances to the Beat ” El Violador Eres Tú”

By Jhon Sánchez On December 5, more than a hundred women took to the Brooklyn Bridge where they danced and sang, El Violador Eres Tú (The Rapist Is You). This is the world-renowned song by the Chilean group Las Tesis,…

Labour Party spending plans supported by 163 leading economists

During the UK election campaign the incumbent Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been criticised for repeatedly telling lies, and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for presenting an unrealistic set of economic policies. The latter criticism has now been debunked by a…

The March for Climate in Madrid

Greta Thunberg was “the guest star” with all the media potential that follows. But the most striking event was the extraordinary mobilization in the streets of Madrid. The massive Climate March on Friday, December 6, brought together some 500,000 people. …

Is it time to put the Baby Trump blimp to bed?

By Erica Etelson -This article was originally published on Waging Nonviolence It began as an irreverent stunt during Donald Trump’s 2018 visit to London, a helium-filled swirl of yellow hair atop an obese, orange, diaper-clad Trump, his small hands clutching a…

West Point Professor Builds a Case Against the U.S. Army

West Point Professor Tim Bakken’s new book The Cost of Loyalty: Dishonesty, Hubris, and Failure in the U.S. Military traces a path of corruption, barbarism, violence, and unaccountability that makes its way from the United States’ military academies (West Point, Annapolis, Colorado…

COP25: Alternative Climate Summit Honors Those “Suffering the Crimes of Transnational Corporations”

We broadcast from Madrid, Spain, where the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP25, began Monday and will continue through next week, as environmental leaders from around the world gather to negotiate global solutions to the climate crisis. Activists…

Thousands of workers march in France

By Countercurrents Collective A countrywide union strike against pension reform has brought transportation across France to a standstill. Thousands of workers marched in what has been described as the largest protest of its kind since 1995. The protest dwarfed the…

#lastesissenior [Chile: a rapist in your path]

This hashtag was broadcast on Twitter today. It had not been communicated before by social networks. It quickly became a trending topic in Chile. And they surprised, despite having organized everything with a lot of discretion. This afternoon, women over…

Greece: Camp Conditions Endanger Women, Girls

Women and girls face relentless insecurity in Greece’s overcrowded Moria “hotspot” for asylum seekers and migrants on Lesbos island, Human Rights Watch said today, releasing a video that shows the dire conditions. The Greek government should take immediate action to ensure safe, humane conditions…

The Huge Potential of Agriculture to Slow Climate Change

Soil’s contribution to climate change, through the oxidation of soil carbon, is important, and soils—and thus agriculture—can play a major role in mitigating climate change. “Through multiple agricultural practices, we could help store vast amounts of atmospheric carbon in the…

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