

The world of survivors vows not to forget

On Calle 26 in Bogotá, a corner has become a meeting place for the living and the dead, for the irreversible and the avoidable, for demonstrators and the disappeared, for denunciations, carnations and wakes. There, on the western side of…

The Chile-EU Treaty to be debated in Congress in April

In a hearing requested by Chile Mejor sin TLC, the Director of Bilateral Relations of the Sub-Secretariat of International Economic Relations, Sebastián Gómez, broke the official silence and announced on the afternoon of 13th March that President Boric will send…

The Birth of the American Uniparty and the Rise of the Multi-Polar World Order

The 21st Century Fusion I’m going to wager that many of you who are reading this have noticed the fact that the primary loyalties and core agendas of both major US political parties seem to be blending more and more…

Mexican Congressman Robles Issues Open Letter: “More Urgent than Ever: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War!”

(EIRNS)—Congressman Benjamín Robles Montoya of Mexico issued the following “Letter to Current and Former Legislators of the World,” on his letterhead of the Chamber of Deputies, LXV Legislature. It is datelined Mexico City, March 13, 2024. Current or former legislators,…

Manicani Island Residents Stage Silent Protest Against Mining Operation

Manicani Island, Guiuan, Eastern Samar In a peaceful demonstration of solidarity and concern for their homeland, members of the Protect Manicani Island Society Incorporated (PROMISI) along with the local residents from various barangays, gathered in a silent protest at the…

Are We Stumbling Into World War III in Ukraine?

President Biden began his State of the Union speech with an impassioned warning that failing to pass his $61 billion dollar weapons package for Ukraine “will put Ukraine at risk, Europe at risk, the free world at risk.” But even…

Five Activists Arrested After Attempting to Shutdown Travis Air Force Base for Fourth Time

In the early hours of the morning, a group of antiwar activists took on Travis Air Force Base, embarking on their fourth attempt to disrupt operations at the military installation that has directly attributed to the genocide in Gaza. By…

Are we moving from indirect war to direct war against Russia?

The last weeks of February were fertile with developments concerning the war between the US/NATO and Russia in Ukraine. The dangers facing the world, and in particular Europe, are materializing and becoming more threatening. From the hodgepodge of disparate and…

Cruelty and misogyny, are the keys to contempt for citizens’ rights

Javier Milei came to power by displaying his contempt for the expansion of rights in general, and the agenda of the women’s movement in particular (“violence has no gender”, “there is no wage gap”). His criticisms of what he calls…

European elections 2024: a chance for peace

Imagine living a few years before the First or Second World War, knowing the grave consequences it would have had for humanity. What measures should we have taken to avoid a tragedy of such proportions? Unfortunately, we find ourselves in…

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