

What is the Circular Economy?

Turning bike tires into bags, sugar cane waste into to-go boxes, and reclaimed wood to new flooring is what the circular economy looks like. By Mary Meade – Green America Each of these trash-to-treasure concepts are real practices by real…

Why Iran’s Fuel Tankers for Venezuela Are Sending Shudders Through Washington

By Vijay Prashad The first oil tanker that came from Iran’s Bandar Abbas port into the Caribbean is called Fortune. The tanker entered Venezuelan waters on May 24 and was then escorted by the Venezuelan Navy and Air Force to…

Dignidad in La Pampa Daily Life in Northern Chile in Times of Pandemia

By Maxine Lowy* The aroma of firewood envelops La Pampa, as it has, on occasions, a thousand years. After ascending with harvests from the sea to barter with inland peoples, the Changos lit fires to smoke fish and dry sea…

Face 2 Face with Alicia Sanders Zakre from ICAN

In this show we speak with Alicia Sanders-Zakre, Policy and Research Coordinator with International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) about the recent reports of White House discussions to resume nuclear weapons testing.

Eritrean Refugees Sue EU for Abetting Forced Labour Back Home

A Dutch Foundation of Eritrean refugees, Foundation Human Rights for Eritreans, has filed a lawsuit in the Amsterdam court against the European Union (EU) for its role in financing a road building project in Eritrea that uses forced labour. The Netherlands is host…

Coronavirus: German doctors warn of second wave ahead of holiday season

Lockdown restrictions are continuing to ease as the European summer vacation season approaches. But as people gather on beaches and in bars, experts warn that large crowds could spark a fresh wave of infections. As European countries prepare to reopen…

UN welcomes three-day ceasefire announcement by Afghan government and Taliban during Eid al-Fitr

The UN Secretary-General has welcomed the announcement by the Afghan Government and the Taliban of a ceasefire to mark the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims around the world. Hours before the three-day festival of Eid al-Fitr was…

Tale to Love

This tale was written by Laurence Baranski at the beginning of May 2020. Any resemblance to the earthly situation would be purely coincidental … VIDEO: Like all tales, this one begins with “Once upon a time …” It was happening…

It’s Healthy to Cut the Military Budget

By Jhon Sánchez I’m not planning to spend money on haircuts. Since I don’t go out, I decided to buy a pair of scissors and do it myself, at least for now. It’s not only a budgetary decision but also…

Andrew Lichterman: “The decline of the US is more advanced than most believed”

On the 23rd of May, 2020, the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons held its Annual General Meeting online for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic.  A large part of the meeting was dedicated to reflecting…

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