

Can Social Media Platforms Stop Electoral Disinformation and Respect Free Speech?

US Elections Underscore Challenges of Online Content Moderation By Deborah Brown Social media platforms—under fire for not doing enough to address United States election-related misinformation in 2016—have released a flurry of new policies in recent weeks and months to protect…

Radical neoliberalism was born and will die in Chile

By Patricio Zamorano From Washington DC A wave of Indigenous peoples supporting the Luis Arce-David Choquehuanca presidential ticket defeated the main right-wing candidate, Carlos Mesa by 20 points, restoring democracy to Bolivia, and despite the fact that the right-wing forces…

Law and double standards in Baltic States

A soldier of the Lithuanian army was detained in Jurbarkas on Tuesday. He was driving under the influence of alcohol. According to the Police Department, the Jeep Grand Cherokee was stopped for inspection. A soldier was dressed in uniform of…

Count on the National Popular Vote, Not the Electoral College

Donald Trump may be the last loser to win through the Electoral College. Two of the last three presidencies, Trump’s included, have gone to the candidate who lost the popular vote. In 2000, the Supreme Court halted the Florida recount,…

Fantasmas: Puerto Rican Tales of the Dead Conversation with Charlie Vazquez

By Jhon Sánchez In 2010, I met Charlie during Festival de la Palabra, a Puerto Rican celebration of Hispanic literature in New York and San Juan. By 2015, Charlie edited two of my essays published in Bronx Memoir Project, as…

China: The Global Superpower

By Kester Kenn Klomegah Despite its large population of 1.5 billion which many have considered as an impediment, China’s domestic economic reforms and collaborative strategic diplomacy with external countries have made it attain superpower status over the United States. While…

Activists Around the U.S. Are Using Street Art to Protest Trump

Street art is a tool for activists in the era of Trump and social distancing. By April M. Short “Defund the wall—fund our future.” This is the message painted in giant yellow letters as a street mural that fills the…

Armistice Day Is Coming

November 11, 2020, is Armistice Day 103 — which is 102 years since World War I was ended at a scheduled moment (11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 — killing an extra 11,000 people…

Human Rights Tribunal in Berlin: Migration and Asylum Policies of the German Government and the EU Violate Fundamental Human Rights Including the Right to Health

The current migration and asylum policies of the Federal Republic of Germany and the EU seriously violate the right to health and the physical and psychological integrity of migrant and refugee peoples. This is the result of the Human Rights…

Bolivia: Movimiento Al Socialismo’s victory against the coup and the right- wing

Justice is finally done! After a year of the coup, the Bolivian people have once again expressed their will against neoliberalism, its policies and economic interests aimed at destroying their country. The election results arrived at one a.m., after several…

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