

Public Education at Risk: Privatization, Financing and Teachers

This was the theme of the fifth virtual public event, organized by the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE), the Venezuelan Forum for the Right to Education (FOVEDE), the Salvadoran Network for the Right to Education (RESALDE),…

LGBTQ activist Sarah McBride becomes first transgender Senator in the USA

30-year-old Sarah McBride was elected to the state parliament of Delaware with a majority of 73 percent of the votes. The first transgender senator advocates a socially just health policy, paid sick leave and the rights of queer people. After…

Is the generational gap a hurdle in unifying the Korean peninsula?

as reported by Bereket Alemayehu Just last week, we had an online global seminar on the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula organized by People for Successful Corea Reunification (PSCORE), an organization in special consultative status with the UN Economic…

New Zealand Prime Minister appoints Maori woman as Chancellor

This Monday, the news was released that Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand Prime Minister, elected as her new Chancellor Nanaia Mahuta, a Maori woman – a people originally from New Zealand. Four years ago, she became the first parliamentarian in the…

Trump is Gone, but Trumpism Remains

By Roberto Savio Now it is clear that Joe Biden is the new president of the United States. It is unlikely that Donald Trump’s legal manoeuvring will change the election results, as when a conservative Supreme Court in 2000 decided in…

Everything Will Fundamentally Change

In June 2019, Joe Biden promised wealthy so-called donors that nothing would fundamentally change. At this moment hundreds of millions of people — from those shooting off fireworks to those ranting as though they will soon shoot up public places…

Trident must be destroyed, not given to Westminster

There appears to be a presumption that upon Scottish Independence, the Trident submarine fleet and its incredibly destructive WMD’s must simply be handed over to Westminster by Holyrood. That is wrong in international law; if the weapons remain on the…

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Some politicians still ignore ‘core European values’ 25 years after peace deal

Despite significant progress made in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the signing of a peace deal 25 years ago this month, some politicians continue to ignore “core European values” and even glorify war criminals, the international community’s High Representative for the…

Three Muslims elected to the US House of Representatives

by Abdus Sattar Ghazali Three Muslim candidates were re-elected to the House of Representatives in Tuesday’s election. Ilhan Omar won in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District and Rashida Tlaib won in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District. They are the first Muslim women…

US Elections 2020 was essentially a Referendum on Trumpism & he lost

By Feroze Mithiborwala The reality is that the Obama-Biden regime started more wars that even Bush Jr. Obama initiated wars in Libya, Syria & Yemen & carried on with the Occupation of Iraq & Afghanistan. Obama has dropped more bombs…

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